I must be a neglectful owner...I forgot a bag of Ghiradelli dark chocolate singles on the floor the other night, and came home from work the next day to find the bag empty and a torn-open wrapper nearby! Thankfully, there was only one square left, and Junebug seemed to be fine, if only a little more hyper than usual. I don't know what effect caffine has on dogs, but I swear she was on super-charge mode all night long. I'll be careful not to leave goodies around anymore!

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Comment by Kate on December 10, 2007 at 9:31pm
on the hydrogen peroxide note .. give a spoon of salt first then peroxide .. we had to do that when kirby got on the counter and ate calcium chews. We then had to feed him activated charcoal (he's the vets poster dog for activated charcoal.. he thinks it's a treat)
Comment by Lauren + Winston on December 10, 2007 at 7:41pm
Aw.. Thank god your pup was fine. Once I fed Winston grapes and freaked out because after I gave him some, I read that dogs can't have grapes! I forced him to throw up because I think that was better than the grapes doing something to him... He seemed fine afterwards. Hydrogen peroxide can be given to dogs (in small doses) to make them vomit if they eat something that is really dangerous to them... It just causes a gag reflex and makes them puke. My roommate said her dog ate a whole box of raisenets once and was fine, although her dog is a 60 pound black lab.
Comment by Bonny on December 10, 2007 at 2:58pm
Thanks for all the well-wishes! Junebug is fine, no effects from the chocolate :) Those are some crazy stories you guys shared....10 lbs of macademia nuts? I bet there was a mess!!
Comment by Sally & Ken on December 6, 2007 at 7:48pm
Dexter once found 10 lbs of chocolate coated macadamia nuts and left eruptions all over the house. This was the dog with the DingDong fetish and he was ok by the time anyone came home and found the mess. He later found some non-chocolate Halloween candies and hid them all over the house. For months we'd hear a rustling noise from an otherwise quiet Corgi and find him holding a candy between his front paws and gently unwrapping it with his teeth.
Comment by Kate on December 6, 2007 at 2:01pm
I hope Junebug is ok. When we first got Kirby he got into some and I know we were worried for several weeks. This is a good reminder to all of us about where we keep things. If any are like Kirby he's resourceful how to get at things. He has learned how to get up on our kitchen counters like he was a cat so we know now not to leave anything thing out. Our first month owning him I thought we'd never survive but we've made it and almost a year later we're slowing getting there with him
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 5, 2007 at 10:11pm
We had a similar episode couple of years ago, Mocha found my wife's reese's peanut butter cup and ate the whole pack, we were so scared and had everyone prayed for him the whole night, fortunately it was not a lethal dose.
Comment by Avyon on December 5, 2007 at 9:30pm
oh goodness! I hope everything stays well :) Pups get into Everything! haha.

had a friend who's lab ate her whole Halloween bag the night after when she was just a kid. She's was angry but now she knows why the parents were more worried about the dog and not her candy ;)-
Comment by Marylynn on December 5, 2007 at 5:23pm
You might call your vet just to be sure. It doesn't sound like a lethal dose, but this website (http://www.pets.ca/pettips/tips-20.htm) says that symptoms can take up to 36 hours to appear. Theobromine can cause cardiac and/or intestinal problems, and dark chocolate has a higher concentration than milk chocolate. This website (http://tafkac.org/animals/chocolate_and_dogs.html) mentions that activated charcoal (or really burnt toast) can help to absorb the toxin.

Hope your baby is fine. Never underestimate the power of a corgi's appetite!
Comment by Valerie on December 5, 2007 at 4:48pm
Not NIce!!! I had a Chanukka gift of chocolate (mini m&ms) and Tova got into it, funny how we forget such simple things. EEEEEEEEEk, glad all is well...

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