I dropped Hannah off at the vet this morning to be spayed. She was happy (aside from not getting breakfast), but I left sad. I tried to keep myself busy all day while waiting to go back to pick her up. I expected her to be groggy, but that wasn't the case at all. She wiggled her little butt when she saw me and the boy and gave us kisses. She was yawning a lot on the car ride home but still wanted to look out the window and check things out. She took a looooong pee when we got home and waltzed in like everything was perfectly normal. I offered her dinner to her, and she scarfed it down as usual. I've been taking her out to potty on the leash, which she's tolerated. She's already tried chasing the cats twice and jumped on my bed once. I'm trying to keep her from straining herself, but I'm sure you all know how difficult that can be for a 6 month old puppy! She has a few pain pills that she can start taking tomorrow as well. Overall, everything went very smoothly. My only complaint is that she was supposed to be microchipped during surgery, but they somehow managed to forget to do it. So, she has to go back next week to get that done. Hopefully it's not too painful. I already feel bad for making her go through all this!

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Comment by Jamie on May 19, 2009 at 10:22am
I was very surprised that she ate right away with no problems, but she didn't get sick at all. She did have a rough night last night trying to get comfortable at bedtime, but she got a pain pill this morning, so hopefully she'll feel a bit better. My boyfriend is taking her back next week for the chip, so at least she'll be mad at him and not me! :)
Comment by Boo Buchheit on May 19, 2009 at 6:26am
Glad to hear it went so well for your little one. Leo's microchip was also forgotten, but they did it right there before I took him home and he was still very groggy so it did not hurt much. They do hurt from what I've heard so it's too bad they didn't do it when she was sedate. He was on a special diet for days though and water was restricted. She didn't get sick from eating or drinking right away? Leo drank too much water and got sick. I had to leave him the night before so it was a long worrisome night for me and the whole next day waiting for him to come home.
Comment by DR, Nala & Simon on May 18, 2009 at 11:43pm
Glad to hear she is doing pretty well. Microchiping is very quick.
Comment by Sunni A. on May 18, 2009 at 11:31pm
What's an e-collar?
Comment by Sam Tsang on May 18, 2009 at 10:28pm
Remember to keep her off tall wet grass :) Use the e-collar if necessary. Don't worry, the microchip only takes seconds to inject.

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