Suri seems relieved that silly we finally figured it out! The idea of baby Corgi's

has sunken in, and now that I am over the initial shock, have learned a LOT, and am anxiously awaiting them SURI seems --relieved! I can sense a new sort of satisfaction or something in her...! Perhaps it's due to the enormous cooing, coddling, fussing and hugging she's getting which is WAY over the top! Thing is, I had 8 births. I remember how important it was to be CHERISHED during those pregnancies. I want her to know "I GET IT"! She's morning sick ( I thought it was the food); she's taking Looooong naps; she LIVES to be snuggled, petted and rubbed. As her belly grows, I KNOW she is getting uncomfortable, so we all make an effort to ALWAYS be around when she wants up on a sofa or bed. Does anyone think this kind of fussing will set precedence? I don't really care, and certainly won't love her less after she gives birth, especially since we have no choice but to sell/give away the babies after 8-10 weeks. I just don't want to ruin her delightful, helpful personality. Once again, friends, I welcome ALL prenatal stories, advice and post natal as well. I guess my biggest concern is: HOW will we ever part with those darling wee ones( pun intended!)? I cannot IMAGINE saying, "Yup, you folks passed muster, now go, COMPLETE STRANGER, take our baby ppup and be happy. We'lljust hope you don't turn out to be secret animal meanies!" THOUGHTS?!!!!.......

Oh, and are there any Upstate, western New Yorkers who might like to adopt one of her babies? It would be wonderful to know they are close!
( I will NOT stalk and bug you, promise!)

Talk to me, folks!

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Comment by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 15, 2009 at 11:10am
Dear me!
Our Suri has certainly taken on the proud air of Mommy to be! Seems she sensed our "fears" and has decided to exploit them! Once a sweet ,even keeled darling, Suri has taken to shaking us up a bit... Let me expand on that.... She's a Corgi. A PREGGERS Corgi. Jumping up on furniture( or even tall steps) was an issue in the first few weeks. Now we have what might only be described as DOG DANCING, or DOG GYMNASTICS. If it's dancing, it'[s definitely a free expression of dance, easily interpretted by we humans as spastic fits surely associated with our surprise pregnancy. Then there is the twirling. Not tail chasing, but eccentric TWIRLING, making us think she is attempting to drill through to the lower level and "nest"... see, that's the trouble with an undated conjugal visit amongst purebred dogs. While you have SOME idea when to expect the wee ones, your mind frantically wonders:" DId the breeder lie? Is she farther along than we thought? OH SH_T! I forgot what the doc said about bobby pins and umbilical cord cutting" ( which the thought of makes the world swirl around me!) We are NEW to NY! Who can we all for advice in a "maybe " crisis that won't charge 800.00 bux in the middle of the night?" Did we jot down the emergency vet #'s?" I'm seriously impressed that we haven't made her relaxation tapes, packed her lollipops and begun helping her understand the Bradley Method of Child(puppy) birth.... Can she even know HOW to focus INWARD? Chant a silent mantra? Contain her shrieks to maintain that energy?
Then there is the bed hopping. Across like, 5 feet! WHAT is that? Is she crazy? Does she want to break her elongated back? Or just watch me pull out all my hair? Cause a miscarriage? Over my dead body! I am way too committed now!
Finally, there is the blaket snarfeling. It's like chewing, diggin, twisting and rolling in a blanket all at once. "IS she NESTING?!!" OH, NO! NOT YET!"
And what is with the TV? This mild mannered dog suddenly finds the mere SOUND of the remote click annoying. She barked at OPRAH! She HOWLS at Ceasar the Dog Whisperer. Barks, howls and runs in circles for MAster and Commander.
IS Suri messing with us?
I think so;)
Comment by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 13, 2009 at 7:27pm
Hi new friend!
As soon as the vet gives me more accurate info re: # of babies and due date I will post it in my blog. Look for it, email me again and I will give you our phone number. We HAVE to get together! Rochester! WOW! SOOOOO close! My son stasrts RIT premed in the fall!Bye for now,
Comment by Heidianna & Daisy Dog on March 13, 2009 at 12:34am
Wow - what a story! To get this wonderful new pup, and then find out she's pregnant! You're in for a ride!

My husband and I are looking for an additional corgi and might be interested. We're in Rochester, not so far away.

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