Suri's (Sugar Magnolia)'s Blog (7)

I remember the many times I was an expectant Mom~ the stares from the excited family...

my favorite question: " What TIME are you due?",the jumpy husband.... after the first batch, the "off the rails" excited siblings...

So, I guess Suri has it better than I - or, worse, depending on your perspective, with just ME staring at her, reading her moods, wondering how off or on this due date thing is.


( WAAAAY back from 1980-2000 while I had babies, without knowing the sex or the nano second of… Continue

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 23, 2009 at 10:14pm — No Comments



Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 23, 2009 at 1:09pm — 5 Comments

Yea, I'm a quick one...

Hi friends, I posted what was to be today's blog on my COMMENTS page. It's rather unusual, so if you care to, go there to read it. As always, I LOVE to hear from you!

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 15, 2009 at 11:15am — No Comments

Suri seems relieved that silly we finally figured it out! The idea of baby Corgi's

has sunken in, and now that I am over the initial shock, have learned a LOT, and am anxiously awaiting them SURI seems --relieved! I can sense a new sort of satisfaction or something in her...! Perhaps it's due to the enormous cooing, coddling, fussing and hugging she's getting which is WAY over the top! Thing is, I had 8 births. I remember how important it was to be CHERISHED during those pregnancies. I want her to know "I GET IT"! She's morning sick ( I thought it was the food); she's taking… Continue

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 12, 2009 at 10:59am — 3 Comments

SHE IS !!!!!! Suri is going to be a mommy!

Confirmed today, babies due in /around April 10th. Just had her "palpated" and "at least 5 were detected". I'm in a little shock. Went immediately to a local breeder who gave me the lowdow, changed her food to a high quality puppy food. and in another week I will get her birthing box in place. I am open to all non- terrifying advice. Bear in mind, nice local breeder lady has promised to be here for assist....
Love, Carsyn and Suri

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 10, 2009 at 9:31pm — 2 Comments

Is she or isn't she?

Suri was a gift to me recently. She can detect electrical impulses before I have sezures and "herds" me to sit or lie down when a seizure is imminent. I have written this in other places, but, as I am new, don't know if the ? is getting out there. The generous hobby breeder said Suri had been "exposed" to her male stud Corgi a week before I got her and not to be surprised if pups showed up! Shocked, I was speechless. Can anyone tell me( vet visit still 2weeks away) what to look for, how to… Continue

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on March 9, 2009 at 2:18pm — 3 Comments

Getting my Corgi today!

I am picking up a red Pembroke female, , 1yr old, tonite. She had been adopted but family returned her to original owner( per agreement) due to unforseen circumstances NOT involving any pup issues. I am a 1st time Corgi owner, and have been reading up like a mad woman but would welcome ANY advice, photos of YOUR reds and things "you wish you'd known! We live in PA now, but will soon be relocating to Upstate NY. Love to meet any NY Corgi folks! Share, share, share!!!!!

Added by Suri's (Sugar Magnolia) on February 17, 2009 at 1:45pm — 7 Comments

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