Hi Heiduanna and Daisy!
Suri is a very typical "I am WAYYYY too pregnant for anyone's good" female! She's rotund, unconfortable, lazy and energetic is spurts and nesting up a storm. My job is , evidently, to stare at her, to deeply condsider every choice of position, bowel movement,
bark, chortle and choice of seating. Gads. Hope I didn't cause all this trouble! Poor girlie. Any day now...Keep ya posted , And, thanks for caring!!!!! Carsynn
GROOF! SUri sends you many thanks for your warm wishes. She is kinda lazy these days- with the occasional bouts of hysterical tail chasing, sock toss and catching, and CONSTANT begging for human food... cravings?! Keep watching for pics!!!
xo, Suri and Carsynn
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