I remember the many times I was an expectant Mom~ the stares from the excited family...

my favorite question: " What TIME are you due?",the jumpy husband.... after the first batch, the "off the rails" excited siblings...
So, I guess Suri has it better than I - or, worse, depending on your perspective, with just ME staring at her, reading her moods, wondering how off or on this due date thing is.
( WAAAAY back from 1980-2000 while I had babies, without knowing the sex or the nano second of conception) ( OK, we knew for the last 2..:) ONLY 1 of my darlings was NOT born on her due date! She is 23 now, and she still never arrives anywhere on time! But, to a child, ON their old fashioned OB's given due date. ONLY 1 ever pushed to the 23rd hour!)
HOW HARD CAN BEING the human who loves a Mom dog who is having babies BE? Will I know what my husband felt every time I launched into my ( apparently disturbing to the casual onlooker) method of laboring which is to sit cross legged, IN MY OWN PRE CHOSEN , I don't care if the hospital can't launder it! NIGHTY, chin to chest, in thru the nose, out thru the mouth,not to be touched or spoken to by ANYONE except the father apparent~ who also becomes the "translator of the crazy silent wife in labor for the rest of the world" )refusing to make eye contact with anyone, communicating ONLY with my husband- who not only expresses my ( often bizarre) wishes, but my virulent threats(HISSSSS- don't let that nurse TOUCHHHHHHHH ME AGAINNNN!!SSSSSSSS)----
Oh, more later, laptop needed by another....
Back soon! Sorry!

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