Tonight, I take my puppy to the vet. To stay there. For almost 24 hours.
Tomorrow morning Gibson gets neutered. He has to get bloodwork done tonight and then they need to keep him overnight to make sure he doesn't eat or drink anything I guess :( I'm so anxious about this! I just know Gibson is going to freak out w/o me there tonight. I've been trying to look on the brightside. It will be like a little vacation of no puppy responsibilities! My husband and I even have a date planned for tonight. I still think about him though.. I know he'll be fine but, Ugh! It's nervewracking! I even thought about taking a half day today and tomorrow to spend more time w/him, but I think treating it like a normal day will make me more sane? Perhaps? We'll see. I just can't wait til tomorrow when I pick the little guy up :(
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