Jackson just cant seem to get enough of toys. Whenever I give him a new toy, he breaks it in less than five minutes! People at my barn have recommended buying toys from the dollar store. Any suggestions?? Jackson really likes squeaky toys, when I will give a toy to him, he will just lie down on the floor and sqeak it non-stop, it drives me crazy! He tends to break them 5 minutes after I give it to him.

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Comment by Heather and Ella on July 13, 2010 at 5:05pm
deer antlers? will have to look into this. i live in a very deer heavy rural area, i bet i could find some easy. is there a hazard of the antlers getting chipped and being choked on?
agreed with the rope choking hazard comment, i don't keep them around long because i toss them once she starts getting pieces off.
Comment by Carol Rea on July 13, 2010 at 4:47pm
Here's another that was going to suggest the Kong! Our first corgi loved his kongs. These 2, don't chew, go figrue.
Comment by Lisa B on July 13, 2010 at 4:42pm
I agree with Heather, go for the Kong toys, I always get the black ones. Corky destroys everything too, and amazingly fast! For a small dog its surprising the strenght of his jaws. He has chewed golf balls and even these fire hose toys! Some toys like the rope toys can get caught in there gut too so becareful of really cheap and ropey toys. Corky has a big beef shank bone he has had for a long time and all the dogs like to chew on it. i just got some deer antlers too, a lot of people on here said they make great chew toys.
Comment by Heather and Ella on July 13, 2010 at 4:10pm
Have you tried the red kong type toys? They seem to last a long time, and some companies (like wal-mart) make their own versions. They also have those nylabones that are tough, but my Ella seems to destroy those. We also go through a lot of cheap rope toys, I buy those at wal-mart or the $ store. That way once she starts to rip them up, I can just toss them. I wouldn't suggest thin plastic toys or stuffed toys (they make some soft toys now without stuffing), as a corgi will just destroy and eat them (and could choke).

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