So, during Ein's recovery period from her spay surgery, I knew we might have some trouble with getting her to go the bathroom in the yard, but if she had no where else to go, she had no choice, right? And of course she held it and held it and held it. One call to the vet had a vet tech telling me that it would be okay to drive her to the park where she will do her business. So I did that for a couple days. Then I noticed her spay incision seemed open. I don't know if it was from licking or from getting in and out of the car. So I brought her to the vet on Friday, and they said her incision looked just fine, but be more careful, and no rides to the park. They said just be firm, don't give in, make her go in the yard. I said "even if she holds it for 24 hours?" (she held it for 22 hours previously before I gave in). And they said yes. And she wouldn't go the rest of the day. I had to work Saturday morning, and I let her out before I left for work. Nothing. My husband let her out a couple times after he woke up, nothing. By 10:00 AM, 26 hours since she'd last peed and 2 days since she'd last pooped--still nothing, I called the vet on my lunch break and the tech said ok, walk her to the park if that's what it will take to make her go. 26 hours is too long, her bladder my rupture, she said. (I'm surprised that would happen, I'd think she'd be incontinent before that happened but I was definitely not going to find out). I told my husband to walk her..she didn't even make it all the way to the park, she went in a neighbor's yard halfway there. Why is she doing this??? I mean I understand being finicky about where she goes, but considering she's used the yard before (albeit sporadically), I don't understand why it came to a complete halt, to the point that her health was in danger! I've been walking her to the park since then, as before she surgery. Incision still looks fine.
I've had some folks suggest housetraining her much like you'd do a puppy, but how can I train to her go in the yard if she literally won't do it? I can't have her holding it till it kills her.
Of all the things I anticipated going through as a dog owner, this was definitely not one of them!
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