I made fun of my mom when she started to buy her puppy (2 years ago) clothes. If you know my mom, you would too. Karma has come around and I know find myself with the same urges--must dress the Freya Baby! I've resisted it for the last few months (amazingly--and partly due to financial reasons.)

I think I may switch from the martingale collar to an easy walker harness. I'm hoping she won't pull like crazy with it and not slip out of it either. After watching her trying her best to catch up with her brother Weim and nearly choking herself doing it...I think it may be a needed change. The only plus is, the harness will be less painful to put on than the martingale because it will have buckles (I hope.)

I was afraid that she was going to be terribly ill when I first got her. I was afraid cause I paid for her, because she was my first official dog, and because she wasn't fully inoculated. Stupid, but thankfully, nothing happened and now she is fully inoculated and I feel tons better about the whole thing.

Thankfully, Freya baby seems to have lighten up too! I guess she may have sensed my worries? But she's a happy, smiley puppy that's really starting to enjoy cuddle time (on her terms of course.)

No puppy is intimidating when they snarl at their brother and have absolutely no teeth except for their k9s being bared. That, my friends, is all kinds of cute and funny.

I need to get money for the following items--seat covers (formerly expressed as car seats because that is forever in my mind for some reason), seat belt/harness deals for both dogs, tag, and a girly (not pink!) collar/leash combo so people will stop calling my baby girl a boy! It's all my fault, shouldn't have gone with the blue but that was all they had at the time.

Also, as a miscellaneous expense--Halloween costume, get her chipped and spayed, and collapsible bowls and the poo baggie holder.

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Comment by Jenna, Jasper and Cersei on March 13, 2009 at 7:28pm
I know what you mean...I'm gonna be a little on edge until all of Jasper's shots are done!

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