Hello everyone,

I had seen so many posts of us encouraging everyone about think about rescuing before getting a dog from a breeder or puppy store. First of all, I would never ever buy a dog from the puppy store, cause i am against puppy mills, and i dont want to contribute profits for them. I got Superstar from a very good breeder. And many people out there are thinking "why did you get a dog from the breeder? I think it is wrong! you should get a rescue dog instead because they need a home!" Now, I am not saying, and I repeat, I am not saying that I didnt get a rescue dog because i didnt want to get a "senior, or abused, or homeless dog" I always wanted a Corgi for the longest; it was not a thing of "Oh! I saw a corgi and now I want to get it." I had always wanted a corgi since I was 20, and I said to myself that when I have my own place, and I am economically stable, then I would get a Corgi. Well, I am 25 years old now, got my own place and I make a good salary, I got Superstar from a breeder. I was looking for a corgi on petfinder.com since march, and i looked so many times, and the ones that i would want, i would get rejected because either I live on an apartment, or since I am a server three days a week for 6 hours a day, I wouldnt get it cause I had a "tight scheduling", according to them and the dog needed attention. I have four full days to be in my home to spend time with the dog, and the days that i work in the evenings, the shift would start at 430 pm, and I would return home at 1030. Well, the rescue organizations would deny it. And yes, I do live on an apartment, but I would ask why it was a disadvantage, and they would say "how are you gonna take them to the yard???? I mean, I am not stupid, I have full responsibility of the dog getting walked or exercised, plus there is a dog park five minutes from where I live and I wont have a problem taking her there. I understand that they are doing the best they can to find great homes for the dogs, but i hate when they make it hard on people when you show them proof that you can take care of a dog. Second, when I said I wanted a Corgi, I want a Corgi. and when I did my search for a "corgi", the results would be "corgi mix". now, I dont want to sound like a retard or heartless, but do not want a dog that has short legs and has a pitbull head... the ones that I also dont like is that it is a corgi mix, and they know it doesnt look like a corgi, but they will do the impossible for it to look like a corgi, like docking the tail or the ears.

"corgis" found in petfinder....

Now, I own two cats which i rescued; really beautiful white cats with blue eyes, and yes, I know you can find a purebreed pet; my cats are turkish angorans. I am not against rescues because I had tried but i never had luck finding a rescue corgi.....

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Comment by Cindi on December 13, 2008 at 9:12pm
I'm sorry you had a disappointing experience with rescues. There are good and bad of any group. We have been fortunate. Tank was from a shelter. He's a cardi-mix. We wanted to add to our little Clan and I looked on Petfinder not really considering rescues. We saw a pem in Ft.Walton and when I called, he had been sent to Sunshine Corgi Rescue. When I contacted them, Sam said they didn't adopt outside of Florida and the reassons why. I was disappointed, but I understood they were trying to be good stewards. Not two weeks later I received an email from Sam letting me know about another pem at a shelter in north Alabama. Within a week, we drove north to pick up Dundee. I'm forever grateful to Sunshine/Sam for remembering us. Dundee, although unhealthy and a behavior challenge, is worth every moment! Moira came to us through another shelter in Alabama. The director knew we had corgis and Moira was grossly obese and needed help. He called and asked us to take her. We did, and have never looked back. She's a pistol in a dog suit! Maddie came from a "breeder" (and I use that term loosely) in mid-Alabama through a woman who purchased her directly from the breeder. She's a hoot and we couldn't imagine The Clan without her. We got Rudy through LAPAW (working with Cajun Corgi Rescue) and unfortunately we weren't able to help him overcome his aggression.

There are some great dogs in shelters. Many of the corgis are really corgis. And some just aren't. Most shelter personnel don't really know their dogs and put labels on dogs for the website. You wouldn't believe, well maybe you would, the crazy things they call corgis. Geez louise!

Just try not to let one or two unpleasant experiences color your whole outlook. And I'm truly sorry you had difficulties. And I'm thrilled you took the time to find a good breeder!!!
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 13, 2008 at 6:01pm
Hey Superstar, I'm sorry that your feelings are hurt :( I can only imagine how much you want to help and the feeling of rejection. Please don't let one person's decision affect your view on the entire rescue field. People make mistakes, sometimes could be a bad day or many other things. Don't give up just yet, if one door closes, try another one. Good things come to those who wait :)

Yes, Rescues are just like any other companies or organization, there are some bad apples out there, but don't forget about the good ones:) May be you can document experience in the rescue review area and let other members know about your experience, your contribution will help others to identify and make better choices in the future.
Comment by Boots and Superstar! on December 13, 2008 at 5:01pm
When I got Superstar, the breeder asked me so many questions like the rescue groups out there. Of course, I had to provide copies of the lease to see if they would allow dogs into the apartment and she also asked me how many people were living in our apartment and if there were any pets like cats and dogs.
Comment by Sam Tsang on December 13, 2008 at 4:12pm
Hey Superstar! I'm sorry that you didn't have a good experience with that rescue group. Since I only worked with one, I can only speak from my own experience. Years ago when we first applied for adoption, we were living in a condo on a second floor, no yard, no fence, both of us had to work 8+ hours a day and we thought our chances were slim to none, but months later we got a phone call and they had a pup for us :) So I can say from experience that those factors didn't matter, at least not to the rescue group that I worked with. Another thing is, the rescue group that I worked with will NOT accept any mixed breeds, they only dealt with pure breed corgis only.

I hope that you will not be discouraged from this experience and will continue to look at other possibilities. Once again, I can only speak from my own experience, when Silvia and I are not fostering, we also do house visits, to interview the adoption family and to determine if they are a good fit. There are many things that we look for and based on the dogs availability and the pool of adoption applicant, we find the best match based on many things like age, lifestyle, living environment, temperament and family dynamics. For us, our mindset is, if we were to give up our own corgi, will we trust this applicant to be the best fit. So it is nothing personal, the rescue is just trying to match the best dog to the best family that's all.

Please don't let this experience get to you, there are other rescue organization and they all work differently and have different standards. May be there are other ways for you to help, like volunteer to be a transporter, a foster parent...etc. There are many ways you can help :)
Comment by Mochi on December 13, 2008 at 3:56pm
I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't get a dog from a breeder. I am against people that are breeding for profit or for fun instead of breed preservation. I find it funny that you try to defend your decision about buying a puppy from a breeder by posting pictures of obvious "corgi mixes" that need to be rescued. Also I find it odd that while numerous rescue organizations that are begging for people to adopt their dogs did not feel comfortable adopting a dog to you while a breeder selling their dogs for a profit did... Somethings about your story don't add up to me.
Here are some corgis that I found on petfinder that are waiting for homes....

Comment by Carmen on December 13, 2008 at 3:18pm
I wanted to add that I wasn't implying you have an unstable home and situation in my comment. I think you sound like a good owner. I was just talking in general.
Comment by Carmen on December 13, 2008 at 3:06pm
I would think that a majority of the people on this site have purchased a dog from a breeder. Both of my dogs are from a breeder. I don't know why you had such a hard time finding a good rescue. I have applied for rescue dogs, but I was the one who had to back out of the process. The rescues I worked with were very welcoming and didn't have a problem with our situation. We both work 8 hour days five days a week, and we were not denied. You have to understand that the rescue agencies are trying their hardest to place the animals in stable homes. I understand your frustration with their rules and questions, but the breeders I have applied with have asked the same questions.

Your point about the corgi mixes is a little off. I don't believe they are trying to make these dogs look like corgis. Most rescues don't know all dog breeds and are trying to advertised the dogs as a identifiable breed mix and not just a mutt. The first dog looks like a retriever who may have had an accident and it's tail cut off. Definitely not a corgi mix. The second looks like a beagle/corgi mix.

I've never seen a post where anyone acted like you were bad because you didn't rescue. I'm sorry if someone made you feel like that. It is a good idea to look into rescues, but if you can't find the dog for you then get a dog from a breeder. You should find the dog who fits you, not just take a rescue because it's a rescue.
Comment by Laura Jones on December 13, 2008 at 2:45pm
I have to say I agree with you on a lot of points. Although we don't live in an apartment we do live in town, we are a busy family, we have three kids and for our lifestyle we felt we were better off getting a puppy from a breeder rather than trying to have an older dog adjust to our lifestyle. I greatly appreciate that there are rescue organizations out there and I hope that someday when we are able to move out of town and have more room for more animals we will attempt to help some resuce animals. I did briefly look into some rescues and had similar problems with those issues.

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