Boots and Superstar!'s Blog (11)



Added by Boots and Superstar! on May 20, 2010 at 12:26pm — No Comments

Superstar is scared of lightning--real bad!

Although there seems to be a monsoon in Florida this summer, it couldnt get worse! My Superstar is terrified of lightning, that when she wants to go to the bathroom, she looks outside and wants to get back in, even when it is sunny outside!!!!!!I tried to walk her in the morning, and now she doesnt want to! Now, she is sad all the times, she is not hyper and wants to cuddle with me or my boyfriend. So she starts whining when there is lightning and shakes like a jumpy bean. We try to desensitize… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on July 15, 2009 at 2:30pm — 2 Comments

Update on Superstar....

Hello folks! I am still around, just a little bit too busy with work and traveling to Miami....Superstar is still growing beautiful like always and also, she is a pro with housetraining. Now she loves to play with laser all around the house! her chewing has reduced but if she doesnt like anything, she will end up chewing it!(i.e. My Breaking Dawn book!shredded into pieces!!!!Of course, I was angry at the story that she saw that! lol, cause she hasnt shredded all of the other books!) I am off… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on June 22, 2009 at 2:02pm — No Comments

Superstar got spayed!

Well hello hello everyone! it has been a long day for me because i took Superstar to the spca to get ovariohysterectomy at 730 am (bleh) and I just picked her up, and she looks so miserable! she doesnt want anyone near her, not even me! she hates me :(....when do you think she will recover?

Added by Boots and Superstar! on April 7, 2009 at 4:02pm — 8 Comments

Superstar is A-OK!

Hello everyone!thank you so much for your comments and suggestions on how to take care of Superstar's problems! I did my research and I tried everything that I could and she is fine now! she is chasing the cats, jumped over the couch to beg for food, and being the troublemaker that she is! the only problem that I have is that she is dehydrated and has trouble going to poop, she whimpers, because she didnt want to drink ANYTHING yesterday and today that its getting back to her! but I am getting… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on February 16, 2009 at 3:08am — 7 Comments

Oh, Superstar....why at 5:00 am?!

Hello everyone! Superstar is growing like a supermodel--beautiful, sassy and elegant! Anyways, I went to bed at 3:00am. But then, I hear Superstar whimpering at 5 am. I took her to the bathroom at 2 am so I thought that she would be fine like always. But when I woke up at 5 am...She had pooped everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!she was full of poop like she was playing in the mud and the living room was smelly!!!!!!!!!!!So I gave her a nice bath ( which she HATES), and I cleaned her crate. She had diarrhea… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on February 14, 2009 at 9:33am — 6 Comments

thoughts about rescues....

Hello everyone,

I had seen so many posts of us encouraging everyone about think about rescuing before getting a dog from a breeder or puppy store. First of all, I would never ever buy a dog from the puppy store, cause i am against puppy mills, and i dont want to contribute profits for them. I got Superstar from a very good breeder. And many people out there are thinking "why did you get a dog from the breeder? I think it is wrong! you should get a rescue dog instead because they need… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on December 13, 2008 at 2:20pm — 8 Comments

New Groups I created!

Hello everyone!

I had been having a super busy week with Superstar...she is a handful and she sleeps a lot at the same time!she is more comfortable going outside to do her business and she has been eating a lot!

Btw, I had created two groups: MiCorgi para latinos! and My cat N' Corgi R' best friends! if you all related to any of these groups, join!thanks!

Added by Boots and Superstar! on November 12, 2008 at 10:10am — 2 Comments

Superstar's second day with us!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to keep you updated on Superstar's second day. She is very smart! I went to buy training treats for her and people tell me that 8 week old pups wont learn how to sit, or lay down or paw....I did them all with her! she learned quickly, and the housebreaking is going very easy for her and I, I take her to potty about 5-6 times a day. She sleeps all day of course, and when I run around the… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on November 8, 2008 at 1:40pm — 6 Comments

Welcome Home Superstar!

This is my baby!!!!!!Her name is Superstar and she is such a cutie pie!!!!she only barked once when we got home, but she had been sleeping all day lol. I started giving her housebreaking training and of course, she loves to spend time outside and she wee and poo!!!!!!I gave her a treat that she wont stop begging for it!I have a cat and his name is Houston, he is very curious and he was sniffing her and playing with her already!… Continue

Added by Boots and Superstar! on November 7, 2008 at 1:53pm — 9 Comments

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