This is my baby!!!!!!Her name is Superstar and she is such a cutie pie!!!!she only barked once when we got home, but she had been sleeping all day lol. I started giving her housebreaking training and of course, she loves to spend time outside and she wee and poo!!!!!!I gave her a treat that she wont stop begging for it!I have a cat and his name is Houston, he is very curious and he was sniffing her and playing with her already! I have a picture to show...she is sleepin' and not paying attention for Houstonian!She just started biting my boyfriend's and my toes and i say "ah uh!" and she stops! she seems to be a very smart pup!I will keep you all posted for more photous and adventures!
PS: by the way, if you lived in florida and adopted a corgi from Celestial Star Kennel, our Corgis should be in touch!:)

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