Hello everyone!
I wanted to keep you updated on Superstar's second day. She is very smart! I went to buy training treats for her and people tell me that 8 week old pups wont learn how to sit, or lay down or paw....I did them all with her! she learned quickly, and the housebreaking is going very easy for her and I, I take her to potty about 5-6 times a day. She sleeps all day of course, and when I run around the neighborhood three times a day, she runs with me. I dont wanna work her out so much, but she loves to run and she wont stop!

The best thing is that I had a fear she wont let us sleep, but she slept all night, and she didnt sleep in our bedroom but in our living room. I woke up at 630 am and she woke up and she wasnt whining at all. maybe its because she might be new to the surroundings and she is shy, but question, will she start whining later on?

She is not eating well. I have been feeding the bag of food that the breeder left for her. she is shy and new so maybe thats what it is. I am trying to intro. to many people so she will feel comfortable. My cat loves her, he protects her like a mom lol. I went to the vet to make an appt. for check up and everyone fell in love with her! today, one of the receptionist called me and she is like "Superstar's check up is on monday, so dont forget! I wanna see her!" lol.

Oh, and I went to petco with her to try some beds, and she chose a brown one, and she sleeps on it always, even though i wanted to get her a pink bed!!

Ill put some photos up!

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Comment by Reese on November 9, 2008 at 9:05am
Yay, you got through one night! I also got Reese from Celeste and she has been the easiest dog ever!!! From day one she hasn't chewed anything important up other than her toys and a few shoes. She has never whined in her crate and slept through every single night. As long as you spend time with her she will definitely pick things up quickly. Keep up the good work. I wouldn't take her to public places until she has all her shots, to stay away from Parvo.
Comment by Amanda on November 9, 2008 at 9:04am
Aww she's so cute! She'll start eating once she gets used to being around you and realizes that she is actually in her OWN home. The first couple days I had Dax he didn't eat much of anything, or drink much for that matter (which worried me the most). Finally I figured out that if I wet an ice cube he'd lick it, so I did that and dropped it in the water and he drank! It was a great moment. :) And you absolutely can teach an 8 week old puppy! Though Dax wasn't interested in treats until he was about 3 months old, so that made it a little difficult. Good luck with her!
Comment by Cindi on November 9, 2008 at 5:08am
What an adorable puppy! Be sure you don't get her running too much. It's hard on their little developing bodies. Our corgis don't whine, but they'll sure bark to let you know how they feel! LOL You're doing great. Be sure to get you and Superstar into a good training class when she's old enough.
Comment by Kelly on November 8, 2008 at 6:48pm
Look at that little face! What a cutie! Gibson has never whined while in his crate, so maybe that will be the same for your girl :)
Comment by Stanley & Charlotte on November 8, 2008 at 3:06pm
Sounds like Superstar is doing great! Stanley had a rough night last night. Lil guy was whining off an on all night. But he's eating like a champ and seems to be very smart too. I have my fingers crossed he sleeps a lil better tonight.
Comment by Sam Tsang on November 8, 2008 at 1:45pm
Looking good! Go easy on her when running, she is still developing on her bone structure, reduce the distance if possible. It is excellent that you're socializing her at a young age, make sure you get all her shots and avoid the dog park at this time. Good luck and keep up the good work!

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