Does anyone have any suggestions how to keep your Corgi calm during a thunder storm. Since Muffet has Addison's disease (she shouldn't get stressed), I get more worried than she does!!! I tried the Kong with peanut butter...a loud TV...rubbing her ears and whispering to her to calm her down...and finally just letting her run the house and bark...I don't think she is afraid. I had a dog that was terrorized by storms and hid in the shower stall...Muffett wants to run outside and bite the rain!
Any suggestions would be appreciated...
Dreading an upcoming thunder storm in PA,

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Comment by Amy Freed on April 20, 2010 at 9:10pm
Only one storm bothered MaGuire and me too!! So he got in bed next to me and we both jumped when the thunder rolled. It helped both of us. Of course, I had to find a stool for him to use as I do when he gets in and out of my Jeep.
Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on April 15, 2010 at 6:57pm
Be not confused Beth - originally this thread was regarding Miss Muffets hearty appetite:). It then progressed into cat chasing, and now thunderstorms. Poor Miss Muffet! Peggie has her hands full.
Comment by Beth on April 15, 2010 at 3:08pm
Anyway, as to the storms, I have never used an anxiety wrap for my pets, nor do I personally know anyone who has, BUT I have heard of some people having success with them. It might be worth a shot:
Comment by Beth on April 15, 2010 at 3:06pm
Ok, I'm confused: the date on the blog is 04/15, yet there are answers showing up from 04/07/10 that seem to be related to another blog?
Comment by Peggie Walsh on April 15, 2010 at 2:29pm
Thanks everyone for the articles and advice. The vet gave me did not really work..basically I am worried about an Addison's "attack" or seizure after the storm. I don't know why the Vet is not that concerned. Maybe I should let nature take it's course. Let her howl at the rain, thunder and wind. She doesn't appear scared...more protective??? She also hates the thumping of the bass from the kid's car radios when they speed by. I hear her growl at that.
Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on April 15, 2010 at 1:22pm
Okay, I just reread your blog. Sorry to ignore your real concerns. I wonder if Muffett is trying to herd the rain? When I take Minnie to the lake, she attacks the lapping water and barks her head off. I saw a similar situation with a Border Collie on the Dog Whisperer. Cesar basically took the dog to the lake and stopped the cycle before it began, every time the dog even looked at the water. I don't even know how you would apply that to a thunderstorm. I wonder if crating Muffet at night and ignoring would help. Sometimes Minnie will let up on a barking obsession if it's out of sight, out of mind, and we just ignore. Have you asked your vet? I'm sorry I don't have more answers , you poor thing, you sound so stressed!
Comment by Andrea De Leo on April 15, 2010 at 1:14pm
"Thunderstorm Anxieties – What You Can Do to Alleviate your Dog’s Fears"
Comment by Andrea De Leo on April 15, 2010 at 1:11pm
Oh my gosh, my late corgi Ricco figured out how to open the shower door and hide in the shower during thunderstorms too! I found this online "Thunderstorm Anxieties – What You Can Do to Alleviate your Dog’s Fears"
also "Dog Care: Dogs and Thunderstorm Phobia
by the American Animal Hospital Association" They both basically give the same advice. When Ricco had this problem the vet told me to give him half a benadryl and put him in his crate. Sometimes it helped if I knew the storm was coming or like 4th of July so I would give the benadryl to him ahead of time. Ask your vet though if it is ok since Muffet has Addison's disease.
Comment by Gina Mac/Fergie & Minnie on April 15, 2010 at 1:11pm
Minnie surprisingly enough doesn't have thunder issues, although she runs for cover everytime a Hot air balloon goes over, and during the summer and fall we see a fair share thanks to being surrounded by several open area parks, and farms. All my husband has to do, is imitate the sound they make when navigating, and Minnie will bee line to our walk in closet. My husband thinks its hysterical, so I really don't know what that says about him.

The up side to crazy corgi quirks is that you can find ways to use them to your benefit. For example, before we had invisible fencing - Minnie would occasionally run off to visit neighbors and her furry friends. Due to an extreme obsession with a standard builders tape measure - all I had to do was call her name, extend it, let it snap back in and she would come running - sometimes from clear across the block! And....speaking of invisible fencing - in order to show Minnie where the line/boundaries are, I dragged our push broom around the perimeter of the yard every day for two weeks. She would chase it, hear the warning tones, and back away. I then would reward her by letting her attack it in bounds.

In conclusion, we have kind of thrown the towel in, and decided to embrace the corgi craziness. So far Fergie only barks at the neighbors tractor and fears a musical stuffed flower - but I'm sure her quirks are yet to be revealed. Sorry I'm not more help! Good Luck!
Comment by Peggie Walsh on April 15, 2010 at 11:36am
Gina Mac, I can't believe you mentioned brooms, vacuums and wind shield wipers...She goes bonkers at all three, I thought she may have been terrorized some how by one or all of them...I never had a dog react like that. She also hates aerosol spray cans...not the pump spray. She is such a funny little girl.
What about thunder storms...she is not scared, she just barks her head off at every thunder clap!!! During the day I don't mind, but in the middle of the night, it is torture. I've tried valium...are there doggy ear plugs??? Any suggestions?

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