5. Face it, there's not a 100 percent allergy-free furry animal in the world.
4. The multi-colors of a Corgi are representative of our own melting pot/salad bowl nation.
3. They can help "herd" members of Congress into the same direction.
2. To further diplomatic relations with Great Britain, particularly the Queen of England.

And the number 1 reason why President-elect Obama should get a corgi:

1. How awesome would it be watch a corgi frap around the White House??

Please feel free to list your own reasons!

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Comment by John Wolff on November 20, 2008 at 1:04am
A corgi in the White House could utilize the Corgi Mind-Control Trick, staring unblinking into the eyes of powerful yet impressionable minds, speaking Truth to Power:

"Treat others as you'd like to be treated. Don't hurt people, or animals, or anything. The strong must protect the weak, not oppress them. Prosperity must be shared. Love, not wealth, brings happiness. Settle disputes peacefully and fairly; no fighting. Heal the sick. Teach the children. Love one another. Play a lot. Pet everybody. Feed the hungry (present company especially). Throw the tennis ball."

Really, I've had enough of Rich White Men in Suits. Old Chinese proverb: "The only man you can safely make emperor is the guy who won't take the job." The whole world is falling apart; it's time to let somebody with fur run the show.

Lord, help me to become the person my dog thinks I am.
Comment by Monty'sMom on November 19, 2008 at 10:27pm
I so agree with the shedding. I can honestly say I don't have one piece of clothing without corgi hair on it, no matter how much I use the roller. I would feel bad if Obama had an important meeting and found out his backside was covered in hair. (And yes I have been using the furminator but since we turned the heat on he seems to think it is summer and hair just flies everywhere)...
Comment by Sarah C. on November 19, 2008 at 9:33pm
I want him to get a rottie or an american pit bull terrier.
Pick a dog who needs the good PR! Fight BSL from the top down.
Comment by Pa'ani on November 19, 2008 at 9:12pm
haha..this is great!
Comment by Ross on November 19, 2008 at 5:28pm
Unless the Obama family thoroughly enjoys constantly telling a dog to not do something over and over again, they should probably not get a corgi.
I use the phrase "Atlas, down!" probably 200 times a day. He listens every time, and then 2 seconds later he's trying to get something off the counter/table.
Comment by Aj on November 19, 2008 at 5:07pm
Haha, it would be quite comical to see a corgi frapping around in the White House.
Comment by Edison on November 19, 2008 at 4:17pm
Other reasons:

6. Nothing softens up international negotiators like a Corgi testing how much begging is required to get a treat. Example: "We believe the West Bank belongs to- awwwwww, whooza good boy den? We'll give YOU the West Bank, won't we?" Problem solved.

7. Forget herding Congress- a Corgi could herd the entire UN with ease!
Comment by Kristen on November 19, 2008 at 3:36pm
This is great! LOL....

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