Keahi and Kai's Blog (5)

Jack in the Box "Mini Sirloin Burgers" - Corgi Remix

I'm sure many of you have seen Jack in the Box's "mini sirloin burgers" commercial on TV:

We totally think a corgi would've been perfect for the commercial instead of a border collie or schnauzer, but that's our opinion. Anyways, we re-wrote the words of the song to incorporate our favorite breed. Hope you like it!!

Way out in Wales (echo)

There's a story told (echo)

About a bunch of doggies

Silly yet… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on May 12, 2009 at 12:31am — 1 Comment

Top 5 reasons Obama should get a corgi

5. Face it, there's not a 100 percent allergy-free furry animal in the world.

4. The multi-colors of a Corgi are representative of our own melting pot/salad bowl nation.

3. They can help "herd" members of Congress into the same direction.

2. To further diplomatic relations with Great Britain, particularly the Queen of England.

And the number 1 reason why President-elect Obama should get a corgi:

1. How awesome would it be watch a corgi frap around the White… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on November 19, 2008 at 2:41pm — 8 Comments

Keahi's First Birthday Bash!!

A few months ago, we attended a neighborhood dog social/ fundraiser for the local shelter. One of the items available for auction was a "hosted party for your dog and friends" donated by our local pet store, Pussy & Pooch. As soon as we saw it, Stacy was like "I'm totally getting that for Keahi's first bday party." She spent the rest of the evening hovering over the silent auction sheet to make sure nobody outbid us. Sure enough, we… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on October 31, 2008 at 1:25pm — 4 Comments

LA to SF Roadtrip!!

We celebrated our 1st wedding anniversary with a road trip up to the Bay Area. We were hesistant about bringing the dogs because its such a long drive and we didn't know how they would handle it, but decided it wouldn't be the same without them and planned a trip to include them in the fun.

Fortunately, the dogs did great in the car... even on the hairpin turns of the PCH!! The trip up took 11 hours, but we made frequent stops to let them run around.…


Added by Keahi and Kai on August 27, 2008 at 9:30pm — 7 Comments

We got our second corgi!!

Hi everyone,

Just wanted to announce that we got our 2nd corgi!! Her name is Kai and shes a beautiful and sweet 4-month old tri-color. At first when we brought her home we thought uh oh, what are we getting ourselves into?? We had forgotten how much work it took to get Keahi trained. However, only after a few days, Kai got comfortable and settled in. In less than a month (we picked her up July 4th weekend), shes potty trained and knows all the tricks Keahi does. It might be a stretch… Continue

Added by Keahi and Kai on July 31, 2008 at 7:46pm — 13 Comments

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