Hello, all. I know this is a post I will probably wind up recieving some negativity from and if I am no longer welcome on the site, I understand.

A lot of you knew me and a lot of you I loved before dropping out of the Corgi world. Ziggy was my whole life, my rock. A lot of people here helped me when I was in a bad spot, whether it was moral support for a relationship that was less than stellar, or financial help when I fell short.

I regret to inform that I wound up surrendering Ziggy to an Oregon based Corgi rescue when I left my relationship and, before I could find employment, he lost weight and seemed sickly beyond belief when I had nowhere to turn-I know a ton of the amazing people from Corgi Nation would keep helping me but felt horrible knowing I was unable to provide bare necessities for my best friend.

I did not have the courage or decency to update. I got lost in my own world and went through a very low point in my life.

It has been a couple years, and though I understand if most are hesistant, did want to let everyone know Ziggy wound up in a happy home with two other Corgis, and I worked hard to right myself.

I have sunce secured my own place and worked very hard to make sure I can maintain myself as well as the creatures I love.

I cleared out my need for codependency, I got a great job, I moved into my own place and am in the middle of purchasing my own vehicle...

And was lucky enough to stumble onto a breeder and another Corgi. I was honest about Ziggy and nearly scared to death I would never be allowed another Corg, but she told me she was willing to give it a shot so long as I swore to do my best and make sure my current was ever in need to get back to her...

So I did, and I really hope to be able to share Nova and her stories with you all in the future. Feeling out the waters to see how it would go as I know it can cause problems for some people and if it will be that big of a concern I would rather leave MyCorgi in peace.

Thank you for all Corgi Nation has done for me and Ziggy.

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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on January 27, 2017 at 12:57am
Welcome Back! Glad to hear things have gotten better for you.
No judgements here. Pics please

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