Added by Zigward & Kimberly on February 8, 2017 at 7:44pm — No Comments
Added by Zigward & Kimberly on January 26, 2017 at 11:33pm — 11 Comments
Emery!! My aunt saw her on Craigslist last night and emailed immediately. We're going to go pick her up either later tonight or tomorrow afternoon!…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on July 3, 2014 at 7:02pm — 11 Comments
So we finally got to go to the beach again, one of Ziggy and I's favorite spots! We had a great day and I got a lot of awesome pictures of the Zigster! It still amazes me that he gets so spunky when he's on the sand!…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on June 1, 2014 at 3:41pm — 5 Comments
Added by Zigward & Kimberly on April 30, 2014 at 11:16pm — 2 Comments
Well, last time I signed on it was to let you all know that Ziggy, myself and my boyfriend moved to Colorado. This time it's to let everyone know Ziggy and I moved home to Oregon. :)
I'm very happy to be back home with my family and…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on December 9, 2013 at 8:03pm — 8 Comments
I haven't been on here much lately, but now that I finally have internet access, I decided it was time for an update…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on September 26, 2013 at 8:00pm — 7 Comments
The first of the month, Ziggy turned six!
I just realized I didn't even make him a post or anything on here-we just hammed it up on Facebook haha.…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on August 20, 2013 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments
I can't believe my eyes! I've got Ziggy, ON CAM, PLAYING WITH ANOTHER DOG! It's absolutely amazing! If any of you remember, my boyfriend's parent's had a Schipperke named Shadow, and Ziggy would try to play with him but it Shadow wasn't ever really having it...…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on July 20, 2013 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment
So we finally made our way over to the vet, and I think Ziggy's face says it all! He was allllll good!! While he was less than happy about being prodded with needles (huge ones!) I think that he senses that I'm not constantly freaking out and is generally a…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on April 5, 2013 at 8:30pm — 8 Comments
We found several lumps on him. He was recently at the groomers, and they weren't there then, so we know for sure that they're new (while we would hope that we would notice that, I wanted to double check that they were indeed new)...
They WERE each about the size of a…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on March 20, 2013 at 2:52pm — 17 Comments
Today Ziggy had another Corgi-Spa-Palooza with George, the super-awesome-Corgi-dad I met at work! The difference is that this time I GOT TO GO! I was able to trade a shift with a coworker so that I could go instead of making my boyfriend trudge along ;P Hehe. The fact that I got pics was of course just a minor plus (major sarcasm there with the minor bit!).…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on March 8, 2013 at 3:00pm — 7 Comments
Hope everyone's day is going well :) Anyone got big plans?
For Valentine's Day, the Corgidog got a Pig Ear....Today, upon seeing one up close in the light, I realized that "Pig Ear" wasn't just a name for a weird treat.. It was a pig's ear! I…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on February 14, 2013 at 4:58pm — 4 Comments
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on February 8, 2013 at 7:00pm — 6 Comments
Added by Zigward & Kimberly on January 8, 2013 at 4:57pm — 2 Comments
I was feeling pretty down the other day, thinking about Skittles, and how I'd never gotten a picture (at a good angle) of him and Ziggy together... So I posted asking for help on reddit and I was not disappointed.. I wanted to share with you the art that I got…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on January 2, 2013 at 10:37am — 8 Comments
Added by Zigward & Kimberly on December 8, 2012 at 3:00pm — 6 Comments
So, today at work, I was sitting there, eating lunch in the break room and my boyfriend's mom comes in and goes "You wanna see some Corgis?" (she knows I'm obsessed with them, and that I only have ever seen Ziggy). Of course, I jumped up (and very noisly almost dropped my tray in my excitement) and followed her to a resident's room, where I met a RHT fluffy Pembroke…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on November 19, 2012 at 3:30pm — 5 Comments
Ziggy did the funniest thing earlier.. I was sitting on my boyfriend's lap in the computer chair while Ziggy was perched on the edge of the bed, staring at us.. After about thirty seconds, he starts slightly moaning under his breath.. Then it escalates to whining at a moderate volume.. On to loud "HEYYYYYYYYYY" squeals, accompanied by paw slamming on the bedside.. So, at this point, I get…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on November 17, 2012 at 3:00pm — 5 Comments
It's been NINE months since Ziggy came to live with us today :) Only three months until it's been a year... This has to be the first time I've noticed how fast time flies instead of thinking about how long it takes a year to go by. Anyhoo, we're…
ContinueAdded by Zigward & Kimberly on November 8, 2012 at 8:30pm — 7 Comments
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