Toy recommendations for agressive chewers?

Hi all,

My year old Corgi Bosco is a really agressive chewer.  I buy a toy or rope for him and he has it shredded by the day's end.  I gave him a tennis ball and he had the fuzz pulled off and the ball in half in an hour.  Thankfully he doesn't eat any of it...he just loves chewing.  I buy the harder Nylabones and he has a ball chewing them to pointy spears all the time, but wondered if any of you experienced owners with chewers have any recommedation for some fun toys that can stand up to his beastly jaws.  Thanks!

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Comment by Chris, Kadi & Brodie on April 29, 2012 at 8:19am

Kongs. Our Boston Terrier could chew the tires off our truck in 15 minutes if we let him, but he has yet to be able to destroy a Kong. He's 9 years old and can still get to the inside of a tennis ball in less than 5 minutes!

Comment by Tina Schultz on April 28, 2012 at 6:18pm

Thanks so much for the recommendations.  I'm excited to try the antlers! 


Comment by Shippo & Koga Corgis on April 27, 2012 at 2:12pm

+1 on the antlers!  Shippo is a VERY aggressive chewer and they actually last. =)

Comment by Di, Pazu, and Mochi the Bunny on April 27, 2012 at 12:32pm

I know this is not a toy but have you tried antlers, beef knuckle bones, or himalayan dog chew?   There is the EXTREME Kong Classic and EXTREME Kong Goodie Bone Toy (I prefer this one over the Classic) which might keep him busy and stimulated if you fill it with food.  I try to be careful with the harder Nylabones because they are really hard and have heard stories that they can break your dog's teeth, but then again so can beef knuckle bones.  

Have you heard of   I don't personally own these since my dogs are not aggressive chewers, but have heard good stories about them. 

Other ones - Tirebiter Pawtrack and Jolly Pet and West Paw Design Zogoflex Harley

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