Molly and I will be making the trip from Texas to Ohio in January! I can't wait for Molly to meet my parents and possibly play in the snow! Does anyone have advice for flying pups? Since Molly is still small, she's going to be flying in cabin so I won't have to go through the stress of being away from her. the flight to Ohio has a 2 hour layover in new York, so the longest period of time she will be flying is 3 hours at the max.

And does anyone in the Houston area have a soft sided travel create that I could buy?

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Comment by manda & molly on December 18, 2012 at 11:13pm
Laura: Molly and I are flying up January 8th and staying through the 13th. We're landing in Cleveland then going to Toledo :)

Marcie: that's my biggest fear with flying, and one of the reasons I'm keeping Molly in cabin, so when we do have a layover she will be with me and not stuck in a holding area alone. I have friends near the airport in ny, so if something like that does happen, we will have somewhere to go.

Meaghan: it would have to be a bit bigger than that, thanks though! I was looking into going to the boneyard but Molly isn't spayed yet, so we won't be able to attend sadly
Comment by Meaghan & Cowboy on December 18, 2012 at 10:08pm

I have a small pink kind of purse looking bag. I know CB and Molly are the same age & CB fits *very* snugly into it at this point. I don't know the rules for airline flights. It's more of a purse than a crate, but the sides are pretty firm. |: If you're interested I can show you. We're going to Houston a couple times this week. There's a end of the world meetup at the Boneyard on Thursday, haha.

Comment by Marcie on December 18, 2012 at 12:44pm

Be prepared for just in case scenarios. I used to fly from NM to Maine at Christmas with my cat. One year we got stranded at La Guardia because of a storm. It was awful, no food, no litterbox and the tranquilizers he took wore off. The trip went from 6 hours to 36. Pack some food, puppy pads and any other emergency supplies in your carry on.

Also be prepared for extra attention in the airport. Some people are well meaning, others are clueless and have no pet ettiquette.

Comment by Laura and Tommy Jefferson on December 18, 2012 at 12:02pm
Where in Ohio are you guys headed? They are predicting a white Christmas here in Cleveland :)

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