I thought I would share Tuckers entertaining talent.  Tucker loves to lay on his back with a ball in his mouth and maneuver it with his paws.  He didn't always do this trick,  he started a while ago, but it was only every once in a while, but now it seems to be more and more!!  Now that he has a new squeaky ball and ring, it must be entertaining to him, since he seems to be doing this more and more now, which is fine with me!!


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Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 30, 2013 at 9:44pm

Lois it is a Kong Squeakable ring..and they have a green kong ball..havent been able to destroy them either..makes me happy!! :)

Comment by Lois B. Allen on August 30, 2013 at 6:59pm

You have finally made him happy.  He obviously adores that squeeky.  What is it?

Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on August 29, 2013 at 6:12pm

Thanks Beth and Allison!  I bet that was adorable seeing the lab do that with a bone Beth!  I was really surprised Tucker kept going when he dropped the toy since I was video taping, thought for sure he would sense me, and stop!!

So fun watching them play, and its so nice he can entertain himself at times as well  :)

Kisses and belly rubs for all the corgis, they are all just too cute <3  And I will Allison 

Comment by Alison Prasavath on August 29, 2013 at 4:34pm

Tucker is rather talented! He is just so adorable. Noodles likes to do this with his squeaky alligator. When the alligator falls out of his mouth, he just turns his head to the side to grab it and he is back to squeaking it. Thanks for sharing and give both boys kisses and belly rubs from me.

Comment by Beth on August 29, 2013 at 3:03pm
That is SO cute! We had a lab when I was a teen who could actually lay on his back and use his front paws to lower a bone all the way to his mouth. It was very funny, like watching a baby learn to coordinate his hands.

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