Yesterday a friend called me to say a 1 year old Corgi was turned in at the shelter and there was no room in the adoption room so he would be left in a cage until his turn came up or he was pulled by a rescue within a few weeks. This is a kill shelter. The man that turned him in said he was a breeder.My friend told me the little boy was very timid but was not aggressive. My daughter was there when they opened and I paid the adoption fee. We will get him from the vet tomorrow,

His name is Rockefeller we are changing it to Rockapella so he can sing his freedom song along with our other fur babies.

I guess this breeder was only in it for the money and this one got to old to sell and was to timid to breed. We will work on the shyness and it will be ok if he stays timid as long as he is safe and happy. This is a picture of him at the shelter.

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Comment by Geri & Sidney on August 11, 2013 at 12:02am

Congratulations! That's close to how we got our Connie girl; people are so surprised to hear she came from a shelter. He was so lucky that the volunteer notified you!

Comment by SJK on August 9, 2013 at 1:20pm

Rockefeller... did they think they were going to get rich breeding dogs? I like the new name. (Rocky for short? :D) Handsome boy. He looks so worried and like he needs a hug. Is he really thin? Kind of looks like it in the pic but pics can be deceiving.

Comment by Anna Morelli on August 9, 2013 at 11:12am

Thank God for Volunteers! They do so much in so many fields and so many ways.  Does your shelter have a website?  It sure  would be nice if they could put all available dogs on the website with a photo and be connected with as well.  These things do not require physical room, and don't cost money, just someone's time and that can be a volunteer, but they do give exposure in a wider area/audience.  That's how I found my Corgi who I saw on Petfinder and was in a small shelter two hours from where I live.

Comment by aronna welsh on August 9, 2013 at 9:59am

Yes Julia she was the only one there for him. The bad thing to me is if not for the volunteers he could have been put to sleep without anyone knowing he was there. The shelter only has about 20 dogs in the adoption room that you are allowed to see. Dogs move up only as a dog up front is adopted. Most dogs and cats are placed in the kennels and their time is up before they get a chance to move to the adoption room.. The only people allowed to take dogs from the kennels are rescue facilities and of course they must pay a fee to take them, We were very lucky to get him before he was processed into the kennels. Most rescue groups around Valdosta Ga only take small dogs they think will be easy to find homes for and black dogs don't get picked often at all.  I am sure the volunteers would have tried to find a sponsor for him so he could go to a rescue or a foster but every day in the kennels makes them sadder and often sick. I have a one year old male Corgi and I could not stand to think of this happening to him. We were not looking to increase our family but the heart wins out. We have other rescue pets three dogs, four blind cats, a pony, a mustang, and a donkey. Thank god we live in the country on five acres. One thing I would like to add please every one when you buy new towels,mats, blankets, etc take the old ones to your local shelter. Lots of these babies sleep old cold concrete floors. Of course they need other things but these donations cost us nothing but the time to drop off.

Comment by kay stevens on August 9, 2013 at 3:56am

He is a very lucky boy in more ways than one. Good on you.

Comment by Tze Peng on August 8, 2013 at 11:43pm

Poor little guy.But I am sure he will be happy very soon under your care.

Comment by Julia on August 8, 2013 at 10:44pm

Thank you. People like you are appreciated at the shelter. Was your daughter the only one there for him when they opened?

Comment by Jane T. (& Griffin) on August 8, 2013 at 9:25pm

Aww...what a poor little guy.  He looks scared doesn't he?  He'll be happy soon with you!  Thanks for saving him.

Comment by Roger/Laurie on August 8, 2013 at 8:36pm

Thank you, Thank you and a big high paw from my boys

Comment by Jane Christensen on August 8, 2013 at 8:09pm

Do you have a martingale collar you can use for him(and a regular one) so if he's timid he can't spook and run if outside? I would strongly suggest:)

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