What a handfull. My first time having a dog, never mind having a puppy is going alot better than expected, though there has been a number of bumps in the road, which were far from plesent.

My first blog was about my puppy who one day desided no more peeing on puppy pads. And desided to tear it to shreds and eat it. Well all is good and it passed with no complications.

Next she desided to figure out how to just puppy gates. Came home one day and was greeted at the door by my 3 month old puppy, but she was very well behaved and not one thing was chewed and she did not eliminate in doors *thumbs up*.

Then she desided while walking her into my boyfriends moms shop that she didn't want to come indoors yet and tryed to dash outside and got her paw caught in the mental door. She ended up bruising the bone of one of her toes. Saddly that didn't slow her down a bit. she limped but still tryied to jump the gate and jump of and on all the furnature. We took her to the vet for shots and the vet bandaged her paw & leg to make it more comfortable and protect it from getting hurt more. My poor little Cone Head desided to figure out how to get the bandage off even with a e-collar on with in 24 hours. So we had to take her back and get it redone. The vet didn't know what to think, but wrapped again, a little more durable this time. With the bandage on her jumping got more dare devilish and started doing what we call superman jumps.

After the week with a bandage she got to have it taken off, sadlly the supper man jumps are continuing but we are teaching her that it is not allowed. The day she got the bandage off we went with up tobogganing and ran up and down the hill following us. She slept well that night. Though we noticed that she eliminates indoors (or trys to) when we are at a new place, anyone experience this with there puppies?

Best of all she did the cutest thing ever last night. While watching the Olympics last night, while adora enjoyed a bullstick 15min before the hour i usually put her in her create for the night. she got up and went into her create and went to bed. She stayed there, even while i was going laundry walking in and out of the room doing random household chorse before going to bed. When she did get woken up she just looked and me and when back to bed. Never leaving the crate. I woke up to her usually shifting from one side to the other and checked to see if she would get out of the creat but she never did. I WAS STUNED!

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Comment by Kimberlie on February 25, 2010 at 2:45pm
Training is not issue, she know many command already sit, stay, release, (lay)down, off, up, come, freeze, speak, shhhh, paw, leave it, eat, bed, crate, bring it, fetch and night night. each veral command has a hand signal as well, we go through them all every day using both veral and hand, just verbal, and just hand. She know them all but has a couple that she hasn't aced on yet ( (lay)down, crate, and speak(just hand signal).

we keep her from jumping by usuing the command freeze, but that only works when we are in the same room and/or can see her. It has only been a week and a half, so i am sure we will be able to kick the habit pretty soon. the key to training is repatition so the more we stop her the sooner we stop it totally.
Comment by John Wolff on February 25, 2010 at 1:08pm
I would suggest being very methodical and organized about puppy training. If I could do it all over again, I'd keep a puppy-training logbook: make a careful list of all the commands I want the pup to learn, with expectations and criteria for success, and make sure everybody in the family understands them and is on the same page. Then I'd try to keep a schedule and record of the training we do. I think writing it all down would help me keep myself on-track.
Odd -- when you think you're training a dog, you're really training yourself.
Note: for things like Sit, Down, and especially Stay, the critical thing is the release. You got to watch the dog and make sure they don't move until you release. I'd get sloppy, forget the dog was in a Sit, so Al quickly learned that "Sit" means, "Sit until that idiot's attention wanders".
There are some threads here on Emergency Recall (Really Reliable Recall); check that out.

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