Kimberlie's Blog (18)

A year full of Rhun

So Rhun went into the vet for his annual check up and vaccination. Which mean we have had our little boy for a year now. man does time go by so fast. We have been through so much yet it still seems like we just got him. It hasn't been an easy year either, we have gone through his neuter where he was a very slow heeler we as we found out there was no complications but it too a while for the skin to heel enough for him to start going back to regular activities. Then we found out he had bad…


Added by Kimberlie on July 19, 2011 at 3:32pm — 2 Comments

Watching the dog show

Our usual weekend afternoon consist of me and rhun cuddling on the couch while adora rummages about with her toys and trying to pick on her brother. But on saturday the dogs where outside playing in the snow when i saw that the canadian international dog show was on TV the second i switched the channel they went nuts barking to come back in.... Could they really hear the tv? It is very unlikely it was luck because my dogs never bark to come inside, especially only after being out there 5…


Added by Kimberlie on December 14, 2010 at 2:57pm — 2 Comments

Amusing first trip to groomers!

A couple weeks ago i decided to take my two in for grooming to get all nice and cleans before winter, the full load done, ears cleaned, nails clipped and bathed. Since i usually do it myself i called around to the place that where recommended to get quotes on how much each places charges, and to figure out there packages. The first one i called, when i said they where corgi's the lady on the other end shrieked in…


Added by Kimberlie on October 27, 2010 at 3:48pm — No Comments

Fun filled 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

Today adora and rhun had a fun filled day. Work up and had a blast in the snow that arrived yestarday. Then they got breakfast at the Doggie Style Deli where they got a free german shephards pie, free freshly smoked pigs ear that is about the size of their head. Then we went back home played with their new GoDog toys had nap with dad while i made dinner, then went to the DOG PARK and had lots of treats with almost all of their park friends. Came home had some yummy cake with my dads dog…


Added by Kimberlie on October 26, 2010 at 10:30pm — 6 Comments

Birthday gift a day early!

So Adora and Rhun will be one year old tomorrow and today they woke up to a early birthday gift, not from mom, dad or anyother family and friend, but from good old mother nature and most importantly old man winter!!! Yup it's adora big birthday wish SNOWWWWWWW!!!! First snow fall of the year!!! Im not happy but they sure are.…


Added by Kimberlie on October 25, 2010 at 1:30pm — 5 Comments

Sick Puppy! worried!

This morning i woke up and let the dogs out like normal. I let them out did a couple of things then went to bring them in so they can eat. Rhun is always the first one in everyday, once he is done his business he always finds a spot to relax by the front door. Well today he was by the back fence laying in the grass and he didn't want to get up and come in side. When i did get him in he started doing this hacking cough like he is trying to hack up a fur ball like a cat but all that ends up… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on October 21, 2010 at 2:30pm — 21 Comments

Where has time gone?

10 months, 2 weeks and 5 days ago we traveled a little over 2 hours after work to meet the sweetiest little litter of corgi puppies and fell in love instantly with our amazing little girl, and then days before Christmas my Christmas present came home. Then 3 months, 1 week and 3 days ago i got an email informing us that Adoras brother was in need of a new home, a forever home, 3 days later he was home with us. Now in 9 days they turn 1, We started training the corgi's to have free range while… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on October 16, 2010 at 3:56am — 7 Comments

Rhun Loses His Boy Bits.

As I write this my new guy Rhun is getting the big snip and losing his boy bits. Though I think I am more nervous. We took him to a new vet out of town, one that a family member has used in the past as our vet in the city couldn’t get him in for a month and this one was 5 days, not to mention the town (small city) vet charges half the price as our big city vet, I was quite shocked, and…


Added by Kimberlie on July 19, 2010 at 11:12am — 5 Comments

Off we go!

So today is the day we go see Adora brother and see if he is a good fit to join our family, fingers are cross tight. This is going to be the second longest 2 hour trip we have taken (First was to pick up Adora our current and first corgi/first dog). I am now getter nervous about bringing in a second, though we have been wanting to since we first visited the litter at 6 weeks. I know Adora will be more than trilled ( She is a little social butterfly and would love another dog around to keep her… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on July 11, 2010 at 10:47am — 9 Comments

New PUP!!!

Adora may be getting a brother AGAIN! got an email that Adora's other brother is being rehomed as his owner is moving and can't take him. So we go out Sunday morning to meet him and hopefully bring Max home. Hopefully this time nothing tragic will happen before we have a chance to get out there like poor little Jack (R.IP).

Added by Kimberlie on July 7, 2010 at 2:30pm — 3 Comments

Eventful weekend!

Adora met one of her own kind for the first time yesterday at the dog park. I think i embarrassed my boyfriend a little. We were sitting on the bench at the park when I saw what looked like a sable Pem with a tail in the distance, being unsure as I see many corgi mixes, i got up and started walking over and in excitement hollered "Is that a Corgi" (dog was out still a ways out in the field and couldn't get a…


Added by Kimberlie on June 21, 2010 at 11:27am — 4 Comments

Fun filled day

Today Adora had a day full of new adventures. First trip in a van, which she LOVED! I have never seen she so relaxed during a ride. First stop Farmers Days, which we tested her with crowds, noisy rides, lots and lost of kids(some carrying ice cream) and screaming kids and babies and she A+ it all. she never pulled on the leash, she respected other…


Added by Kimberlie on June 5, 2010 at 11:00pm — 2 Comments

No more brother


Added by Kimberlie on May 29, 2010 at 1:26pm — 6 Comments

Adora got spayed

So Adora got fixed this morning and is now home with us and doing great, a little to great. The vet and vet tech were very surprised with how well with did. My only thing is that it hasn't even been 12 hours since her sergury and she just woun't sit still. Constantly turning in her crate and wanting to play. She has also already managed to get the cone of, and has already jumped up and off the couch when we opened her crate to go potty she i just to darn fast. but isn't going after her suture… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on May 14, 2010 at 10:31pm — 3 Comments

New Arrival Today!!!

Well after a horrible weekend we are bring home the new arrival. On Saturday on our way to meet the hopeful new addition Stoli the 2.5 year old Bengal cat. My father, my corgi and i where rear ended. Just 2 blocks from our destination. So glad I got Adora my corgi a seatbelt harness, after the accident my boyfriend, Adora(my corgi) and I were in just 2 and a half…


Added by Kimberlie on April 26, 2010 at 10:47am — 3 Comments

The big move

Well the big move with puppy went great. She whimpered a little for the first night but that was it. She had a great time at the acreage playing with her Assie friend Socca for the day. And Socca gave Adora her first lesson in how to heard horses. So much fun she needed a bath afterwards. We took her to the new house twice before we move the furniture in. To get her…


Added by Kimberlie on March 23, 2010 at 4:27pm — 1 Comment

Two Full Months of Puppy

What a handfull. My first time having a dog, never mind having a puppy is going alot better than expected, though there has been a number of bumps in the road, which were far from plesent.

My first blog was about my puppy who one day desided no more peeing on puppy pads. And desided to tear it to shreds and eat it. Well all is good and it passed with no complications.

Next she desided to figure out how to just puppy gates. Came home one day and was greeted at…


Added by Kimberlie on February 25, 2010 at 12:39pm — 2 Comments

The drama begins

Adora is my first dog, We are in the prosses of housebraking her, from the day we got her home she has never liked the pee pads (esspecialy when there is someone in the house), first few week she would go beside it, than we finaly got her going on it, she is only on pee pads when we are out of the house, we have created a little den with for her in the laundry room. we also put her in there to eat, as when we got her she was free feeding, the only way we would get her to eat in sittings was to… Continue

Added by Kimberlie on January 25, 2010 at 2:26pm — 6 Comments

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