Today Adora had a day full of new adventures. First trip in a van, which she LOVED! I have never seen she so relaxed during a ride. First stop Farmers Days, which we tested her with crowds, noisy rides, lots and lost of kids(some carrying ice cream) and screaming kids and babies and she A+ it all. she never pulled on the leash, she respected other peoples space, she didn't steel ice cream for little kids, she didn't react to any of the loud noises, bangs, or screams and didn't try picking up pieces of food on the ground. I am so proud of her, I think she is going to come out of her shyness that she seemed to get after the big move into the house. Second stop Alberta Beach, where my sister is camping for the weekend with her dog and she did something i never imaged she went swimming. She loves water but refuses to go deeper than letting the water touch her belly. But not at the beach, at least not when my sisters dog is there. She went right in and kept going and going trying to keep up with my sisters Pitbull. There has been times where i got her to swim at the river valley dog park but when i drop the leash she goes to shore. Could it be the water temperature? The lake water what actually really nice luck warm. Either way i am so proud of my puppy she is growing up so fast. Oh and got to love how no mater where you go you get the "awwww", "look at the cute dog", "omg that it the cutest dog", "look a corgi" and how every one that looks at her cant help but smile. I think the best medicine is seeing a corgi. Well time to feed the tired little dog, and plan another day of fun full day of adventure for her tomorrow.

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Comment by Ace and Jen on June 6, 2010 at 10:04pm
Sound slike a great day =D
Ace's best friend is my brothers Pittbull~ Funny how Corgi's tend to have more guts then Pitts... or maybe its just mine LOL
Comment by Jane Christensen on June 6, 2010 at 12:34am
Sounds like a great day! Glad she had fun!

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