Update on Chester - the Diabetic Corgi

The vet was puzzled by what happened to him this morning. She checked his eyes and said they seem a bit cloudy. Cataracts maybe? She palpated his belly a bit, because when we originally took him in (in May) for his Diabetes, the ultrasound caught a mass in his liver. She believes that if it was cancer, he would be gone already. He's not jaundiced at all. She took a blood sample and did a simple sugar test. It came out to 237, which isn't bad for a diabetic dog 12 hours after his last dose of insulin. She will send the blood out to be checked for a "fructosamine" test. Not sure what it tells her, but maybe more detail on the liver situation.

For now she thinks that because he is diabetic and a lot of sugar builds up in his organs that he just has an infection and she put him on antibiotics for now. She thought that he still looks absolutely wonderful compared to the day in May when I brought him in. So for now everything is ok. If something pops up on the other test, she will call me.

Thanks for all the good wishes!

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Comment by ChestersMom on January 14, 2009 at 6:15pm
Bay in TN, YES, his symptoms would make sense if his sugar was low. BUT, I know that wasn't the case. He had eaten (even stole some pizza crust from the garbage).

I am going to post another blog...........I got a call from the vet today.
Comment by JENNY & COBY on January 14, 2009 at 2:11am
good to hear that Chester is ok now. i was so worried about Chester. Hope he gets better.
i will pray for Chester.
Comment by Gail L on January 14, 2009 at 1:28am
Sending more good thoughts for Chester. Hope he continues to feel better.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on January 14, 2009 at 12:35am
Glad everything is checking out so far. Lets hope he doesn't give you another scare like this again. Good luck and stay healthy Chester.
Comment by Lauren + Winston on January 14, 2009 at 12:33am
Aww diabetes is scary. I would've crapped my pants if I saw Win doing any of the stuff you said Chester did.

My grandfather had diabetes, and every time his blood sugar would get too low my grandma would yell at him to eat a Tootsie Roll!! He would get pretty loopy aha. But I am glad to hear that Chester is better now!
Comment by Dragster and Bailee on January 14, 2009 at 12:17am
Poor guy!! this must be hard for you. I know how worrisome it can be with a sick baby. We're here for you!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on January 13, 2009 at 11:05pm
Chester, from one diabetic to another, hang in there kiddo! You are lucky you have people taking care of you who love you so much.
Comment by Bay in TN on January 13, 2009 at 11:04pm
First of all, I hope Chester feels better, much better, and that right soon!

Secondly, I'm not a vet nor a doctor, but I am married to a guy with Type I diabetes. The human kind. Which is almost certainly different from the canine kind, so I'm probably just talking out of my head. Anyway, when I read your description of Chester's unusual morning, the first thing *I* thought was, "Low blood sugar." That would happen if Chester didn't eat anything but did get his usual dose of insulin. Or if he was unusually active and produced his own insulin along with the artificially ingested insulin, and it overwhelmed the amount of food he did eat. But it doesn't sound like high blood sugar at all, which would've happened if your son had not gotten Chester's needle all the way into him.

But I could be wrong, because, y'know, I'm not a professional physician for any species, much less Chester's. It's just that I've seen a *lot* of low blood sugar episodes in my darlin' husband, and they can seem crazy, blind, deaf, and just generally completely off the wall when their blood sugar is too low. They can't help it. But fortunately, that can be easily fixed by food.

I continue to keep good thoughts in mind for Chester and his continued recovery! :)
Comment by Alina on January 13, 2009 at 10:27pm
I hope everything stays okay with Chester!
Comment by Natalie, Lance &Tucker on January 13, 2009 at 8:44pm
I know that had to be soooooo scary and sad to see, glad everything turned out ok

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