ChestersMom's Blog (5)

Another Update on Chester..........

I got a call from Chester's vet this afternoon. She said the results from the fructosamine test showed that his blood sugar had been level for the last few weeks. Which is good means he really doesn't need to have another glucose curve done and we don't need to adjust his insulin or food.

Now the bad news..........In May, when he was first diagnosed with diabetes, he had an ultrasound done and there was a mass on his liver. I never had it tested, because, frankly, I… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 14, 2009 at 7:04pm — 9 Comments

Update on Chester - the Diabetic Corgi

The vet was puzzled by what happened to him this morning. She checked his eyes and said they seem a bit cloudy. Cataracts maybe? She palpated his belly a bit, because when we originally took him in (in May) for his Diabetes, the ultrasound caught a mass in his liver. She believes that if it was cancer, he would be gone already. He's not jaundiced at all. She took a blood sample and did a simple sugar test. It came out to 237, which isn't bad for a diabetic dog 12 hours after his last dose of… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 13, 2009 at 8:22pm — 12 Comments

Scary morning for Chester and me.

Chester's been acting a bit strange the last week or so. I think his insulin needs adjusting.

This morning at 5am I got up to go to the bathroom and asked Chester if he needed to go out too. He acted very very strange. He wouldn't move away from the door and didn't react to my voice at all. He sniffed A LOT. He went into the guest room and sniffed himself into a corner. He didn't react to my voice at all and he kept running into things that were right in front of him! When I tried to… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 13, 2009 at 9:17am — 12 Comments

Cardi vs. Pem

It's funny.......since I was a youngster, and had our first Corgi/Beagle mix, "Corky", I've always been fond of Pembrokes. Almost to the point of totally ignoring the fact that Pems aren't the only Corgi. I've not seen many Cardis around my area (Northern Indiana, USA).

But since joining I have seen more pictures of the most gorgeous Cardigans! And I've totally fallen in love with them as much as Pems! I have to say, nothing beats that tail-less butt.........the cutest… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 5, 2009 at 10:21pm — 7 Comments

Diabetic Corgi

I have formed a group called Diabetic Corgis. This is for anyone to join. It's mainly to provide support to owners of diabetic Corgis, but I'm not limiting the group to just that.

I almost lost my sweet Chester to diabetes last May. My vet diagnosed him on a Friday, but didn't want to give him any insulin for a week because he'd been on steroids for a neck injury. Well, that almost killed him. By the following Monday (Memorial Day) he lost the use of his back legs and had been crying… Continue

Added by ChestersMom on January 1, 2009 at 11:36am — 6 Comments

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