We are going back to Florida to a timeshare that wont allow pets. We are going to visit our kids ,grandkids,brothers and sisters, but Dyllan and Korie cant go! The place where they were going to stay didnt work out. So Dyllan will be staying here at the kennel at our vets in Tenn. The sadest part is his birthday is December 10th he will be two and his brother Koby is in Florida it will be their first birthday apart.We decided to sell the timeshare when we get there we arent going anywhere that pets arent allowed we should have a choice and there arent many in alot of towns we have been in.Most of them give you a 5x7 spot of grass where no one has cleaned up after their dogs it was awful.We are ok with the place he is staying and Korie gets to stay right beside him in the same room but its their first time away from us too and it will be 7 days. I really think it will be hardest on me I dont want to leave him hes my baby! Hopefully this will be the one and only time we have to do this. Have many of you had to leave your babies and go on vacation without them? Think of Dyllan on the 10th for his birthday and hope he wont be as sad as I will be.....Jane
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