Tell Petland to Stop Selling Puppies — Watch This Video, Then Take Action

America’s largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation’s largest retail supporter of puppy mills. An eight-month investigation by The HSUS reveals that many Petland stores across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers.

To see the video and read further on how you can take action, please visit and click on News Blog.

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Comment by Julia on March 9, 2009 at 10:27pm
I can't believe this. Those idiots who eat dogs are sick and gross. WHY WOULD THEY EAT A PRECIOUS LITTLE ANIMAL? I WANNA KILL ALL THOSE PEOPLE First I'll kill the dog consumers in Korea, then report Petland, and the farmers dumping behind my house LOL
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 18, 2009 at 10:07pm
Any reputable breeder also wouldn't allow their puppies to be placed in a pet shop either, so for them to say they are buying these pups from reputable breeders is hog wash.
Comment by Wendt Worth Corgi's on February 18, 2009 at 10:06pm
As I had mentioned to you, HR in a private e-mail, H$U$ is not trustworthy, I agree but they have a legit gripe w/this story like they do w/many of their stories. I don't agree w/the vocabulary H$US uses for it has a hidden agenda w/in it and they are aiming to extinguish individuals rights to own pets and are not out for the welfare of animals but more for their rights. I posted this story for the fact pet shops should not be able to house nor sell pets and H$US did not ask for donations. H$US is well known for twisting stories but whether or not those puppy mills were the ones Petland bought from or not does not change the fact they do buy from puppy mills or from brokers who do buy from mills. There is no screening of puppy purchasers, you have the money its yours. No outside play for the puppies. No toys in cages. They are spotlighted like an automobile at the car lot. I can not condone this type of selling or production of pets.
Comment by John Wolff on February 18, 2009 at 3:02pm
Skagit Co. puppy mill bust

In January, there were two big puppy mill busts in Skagit and Snohomish counties.
One of the best things we can do is get out the word:
Don't buy dogs from pet stores!
Comment by Kristen on February 18, 2009 at 1:52pm
I always appreciate it when you highlight issues like this. Education is the most important tool we have to fighting puppy mills.
Comment by Rockstar on February 18, 2009 at 1:24pm
:( Why would a retail chain do this... Profit? Terrible. The should really be ashamed.
I'm glad Dexter came from a nice breeder who took care of her dogs with respect and paid attention to them. He's 11 weeks old now and I can even trim his nails without nipping because she touched his paws every day or so since he was born.
The dogs that come from places like this don't even know the difference between kennel and outside to poop. I went in a Petland recently to show my boyfriend different types of dogs and he wanted to pet one. The puppy smelled like poop and "dog-bo" so much I had to put him down. I watched the 17 yr old girl working there take a brush and scrape the 2-3 piles of poop from the bottom of its cage onto a newspaper below (the cage had a wire bottom with a collection area under it like a bird cage) and just walk off. It was gross and seemed so cruel. Some dogs were even "on special" since they were more than 3 months old and had been there too long.
Comment by Nicola Porter on February 18, 2009 at 9:38am
Everytime I see something like this I wonder why the need to even sell puppies in retail space.
Comment by Carlie on February 18, 2009 at 9:21am
Thanks so much for calling attention to this horrible practice. I signed the petition and emailed it to several of my friends and family. Thanks again!

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