Hmmmm… how do I start this. I guess with a short story about a comment that was made to us when we were at the beach with Soffie and Griffyn last week. A man on the beach with his dog inquired to us as to what breed of dogs we had. When we told him Pembroke Welsh Corgis he replied… Really?? Aren’t they usually FAT?!!!

Sad but true I’m afraid…. So I am going to post a link at the end of this blog and hope that some if not all who read this blog will read the article attached and recognize whether their own corgis just might be overweight.

As many of you may know, Soffie suffered a partial acl tear one year ago. Fortunately we avoided surgery. But, at the time the orthopedic specialist examined her she point blank told us her weight (39 lbs) was a contributing factor to this type of injury. And instructed us to put her on a diet where she could lose 10 pounds!! We took her instruction very seriously and that very day put Soffie on a strict diet. And as some of you also know, over the course of this past year she lost that 10 lbs!

I read so many blog posts and discussions started here on about … possible acl injuries, limping, hip problems ( I know that there’s nothing we can do if it is a genetic issue ). I can’t help but wonder how many could have been avoided simply by weight control.

I’ve also read many blogs and discussions asking about “how much should my corgi weigh?” “Is my corgi overweight?” “How much should I feed my corgi??” “Do green beans really help??”

I have watched so many videos of corgis on You Tube etc… and honestly I am so amazed at just how many “chubby”, “hefty” downright “obese” corgis there are!! So….. I guess that man on the beach in Venice isn’t too far off in his perception!!

Anyway…. I hope that my post doesn’t offend anyone here. I hope you all understand that I write this out of concern and love. And with hopes that when you read this article you will take a look and your beloved corgis and do what is best for them.

Here is the link ~~~>

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Comment by Libbi Kuehl on September 2, 2010 at 9:42pm
My cutie, Reilly, weighs 20 lbs. She gets a cup a day of her food. She was eating Biljack (at the recommendation of her trainer) but got some bloodwork back that wasn't normal and the vet suggested to give her a food with lower protein level. She was 24 lbs at that time. She now eats Natural Choice. She's still very active, loves to swim, goes to the dog park, and continuously chases her cat big brother all the time! I have always only ever known corgis to be round sausages. Ever since Reilly came into my life, i have said that she will not get to that point. I dont want to injure my puppers by feeding her bad food or too much food. It is so very important to all to make sure you watch your corgi's weight because they are very prone to spinal and hip issues! Love them like they love you!!! :)
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on September 2, 2010 at 9:36pm
Good for you Kimberlie.... sounds like you're doing the right thing!! : )

I just hope we can spread the word! There are far too many overweight corgis out there!!
Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on September 2, 2010 at 9:27pm
Love that pic of Jack and Maddie!! Corgi bookends!!! : )
Comment by Kimberlie on September 2, 2010 at 9:25pm
I get people asking me alot if my dogs are part corgi, when i say they are pure breds people are shock as say "But they are so skinny" "I thought they are suppose to be Bulky" One both of mine are still puppies, both of them are where the ribs are clearly felt but not showing adora has a defined waste from the side and slightly from above, Rhun has a very defined waste(sucked in tummy) which vet recomended for his hips displasia. Adora is 20lb (10.5" at withers) and Rhun is 24lb (11.5" at withers). Both are on Horizon Legacy adora get 1cup Rhun 1 1/2 cups (not including treats) total a day, the way i judge how much to feed this is started off with 1 cup a day and worked my way up increasing it by 1/4 a day for a week. If they loose the waste deffinition i then i kept with the amount just before the one that made the weight increase. With my corgi's they will eat till they drop or till the food is all eaten, from what i read alot of corgi's are that way.

Both of my dogs get plenty of exercise they either get a 30 min of regular walk sometimes is one sitting, sometimes in 2 15min walks and a 15-20 min of playing fetch session in the evening. Unless we go to the dog park where we spend 1-2 hours broken up into play wresting, playing chase, walking trails, swimming, and chilling out at the benches or along the water, they will also get a 15min walk on the opposite end of the day (if we go to park at noon than they get a walk before bed, if we go in the evening then they would get the walk in the morning or at noon). On top of this they get yard time where they play. So they may be skinny but they are very fit. But i think that some corgi's it is all just fur, Rhun looked FAT before we furminated him a couple of times, yet his weight has only decreased 1lb since be got him 2 months ago, i wouldn't be suprised if that was 1 lb of fur we took off of him. We will see how chunky and big they will look with there first winter coat, last winter they were still in the puppy fur stage still.

I read that link before we got adora which was a great read and great learning tool, we so started right and on a good start.
Comment by Beth on September 2, 2010 at 8:24pm
By the way, Maddie's bulk is all coat. When she swims, she looks like a skinned rat.

And congrat's on Soffie's weight loss. Good for you!
Comment by Beth on September 2, 2010 at 8:19pm
I've had several people comment on mine being skinny. When we started CGC, the instructor said of Maddie "Is she always this thin?" and then followed with "Or are most Corgis just fat?"

A year ago, Jack weighed 38 pounds and the vet and vet tech said that he didn't need to lose any more weight (he'd lost about two pounds). I wasn't totally thrilled with it, though, and now he's about 33 pounds. I can see his ribs when he walks. He's oversized, over 13 inches at the withers and with a huge chest. When he lays on his side, you can feel every rib just running your hand across him. Here's my favorite pic that shows off their physiques. Notice how much smaller Jack's back half is than his front half. This is a dog with a massive chest, but most Corgis do have big chests and the back end should not match!

Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on September 2, 2010 at 7:12pm
I actualy get this ALL the time. Teddy is very fit and u can see all the mucles in his body and boy does he love to eat but he of course is limted. He drools and stares when ever we eat lol but he never gets any. My vet actualy gasped when she saw teddy because he is so fit lol and then of course u get asked "is he pure breed?" Its a good topic:)
Comment by Nicola Porter on September 2, 2010 at 7:07pm
I am very paranoid now about LO and Bootsies weight. They are both 21 pounds.
Comment by Nicola Porter on September 2, 2010 at 7:06pm
My first corgi Maxx was hugely overweight and I didn't have this site to guide me on weight control. I absolutely believe his weight was his death. He started losing control of his bladder and had trouble getting up and his hind legs would go out. I firmly believe I caused his early demise by not recognising his fatness as something very important to his legs.
Comment by Carol Rea on September 2, 2010 at 6:53pm
Jennifer, good post! Our Sonny prooves that they will eat and eat - he has eaten all the zucchini in the garden!!! I guess he decided he wasn't getting enough kibble. He salivated when I was picking tomatoes and later went out and tried to get into the raised beds that the tomatoes were in. Corgis just LOVE to eat. We have him on lite food which he has decided is not enough. Today, he ate a dandylion. I'm at a loss.

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