Hmmmm… how do I start this. I guess with a short story about a comment that was made to us when we were at the beach with Soffie and Griffyn last week. A man on the beach with his dog inquired to us as to what breed of dogs we had. When we told him Pembroke Welsh Corgis he replied… Really?? Aren’t they usually FAT?!!!

Sad but true I’m afraid…. So I am going to post a link at the end of this blog and hope that some if not all who read this blog will read the article attached and recognize whether their own corgis just might be overweight.

As many of you may know, Soffie suffered a partial acl tear one year ago. Fortunately we avoided surgery. But, at the time the orthopedic specialist examined her she point blank told us her weight (39 lbs) was a contributing factor to this type of injury. And instructed us to put her on a diet where she could lose 10 pounds!! We took her instruction very seriously and that very day put Soffie on a strict diet. And as some of you also know, over the course of this past year she lost that 10 lbs!

I read so many blog posts and discussions started here on about … possible acl injuries, limping, hip problems ( I know that there’s nothing we can do if it is a genetic issue ). I can’t help but wonder how many could have been avoided simply by weight control.

I’ve also read many blogs and discussions asking about “how much should my corgi weigh?” “Is my corgi overweight?” “How much should I feed my corgi??” “Do green beans really help??”

I have watched so many videos of corgis on You Tube etc… and honestly I am so amazed at just how many “chubby”, “hefty” downright “obese” corgis there are!! So….. I guess that man on the beach in Venice isn’t too far off in his perception!!

Anyway…. I hope that my post doesn’t offend anyone here. I hope you all understand that I write this out of concern and love. And with hopes that when you read this article you will take a look and your beloved corgis and do what is best for them.

Here is the link ~~~>

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Comment by Judi, Dawn, Soffie & Griffyn on September 2, 2010 at 6:44pm
Jennifer... Sounds to me like you're doing all the right things! Soffie gets 1/4 cup wellness heathly weight in the am and 1/4 cup in the pm. She loves the green beans but will only eat them if they're frozen right from the bag. LOL... we tried giving her a beautiful garden fresh green bean and she spit it right out!! With a look on her face like ... YUK!!! It took us 1 year to get Soffie to her optimum weight. We posted a video of her and Griffyn at the beach this past weekend. You can see it on our page near the end of the clip you can see how trim she has become. Keep up your good work with Seanna, it will pay off!!
Comment by Sam Tsang on September 2, 2010 at 6:29pm
Great post Judi!
Comment by Heather and Ella on September 2, 2010 at 6:19pm
I get that a lot too, people think Ella's not a purebred since she's not chubby. But it's hard to keep her that way - only 1 cup of food a day and no snacks. And at that she's around 23 lbs now.
Also corgis are so good at the "feed me, I'm cute" look, that whenever we have her at family gatherings or out in public - people want to feed her. Luckily we've taught family not to give her stuff. However if anything is accidentally dropped you better believe she's got it gone before it hits the floor. Like a shark jumping out of the water.
Comment by Jennifer Markley on September 2, 2010 at 5:49pm
We definitely need help in this area. Seanna is a little corgi, 10" at the withers, but the vet wants her no more than 23 pounds. The rehab doctor after her ACL surgery said 25 was tops. We have not been able to get her below 26.9 pounds no matter what we do. We cut out all people food, and she gets only 1/4 cup of Wellness healthy weight twice a day. She won't eat green beans, carrots, or anything like that. The best we did was mixing in pumpkin, but even then she didn't lose weight. We walk 20 minutes close to 5 times a week, plus she plays quite heavily with our Shepherd mix (which is how she tore her ACL we're pretty sure). I don't know what to do! She does have a tuck if you trim her belly fur and look. She has an hour-glass shape if you look from above, but I can't feel her ribs. She does have what feels like a layer of fat there. I really don't know what else to do! We just bought a treadmill, so I've been coaxing her on there (which is easy since we did the hydrotherapy after her surgery)--hoping I can add that on the days I'm home. What do you guys think?
Comment by Bev Levy on September 2, 2010 at 5:41pm
Thanks! This is good info for all of us. Our chow hounds encourage us to over feed them and we need to be strong! Dwarf breeds are so susceptible to health problems anyway, no need to add to their risk.

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