Hi all, 

Recently I've brought home Wesly, my new 8 week old red and white corgi pup. Since he's been home with us, he has been biting and nipping like crazy! I'm assuming its from his teething. He bites my fingers, hands, arms, legs, ankles.. toes, any body part with skin thats visible..! Has any of your corgi pups like this? Any tips or suggestions you've dealt with in the past that have worked? Thank you! I love him more than life but he hurts!!! 

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Comment by Wesly and Tina on March 31, 2014 at 8:23pm

I'll definitely try all the things you've recommended to me!! Thanks for the tips and suggestions, I appreciate it! 

Comment by Vicky Hay on March 31, 2014 at 7:27pm

{chortle!} Puppies bite. That seems to be their nature. Don't panic: it's not forever.

From German shepherd, golden retriever, and corgi pup experience, my best guess for a strategy is as follows:

a) When pup attempts to bite the (fill in the blank: finger, hand arm, toe, foot, heel, leg, ear), attempt to absent yourself as best as possible. Corgi pups are small enough to pick up; so, lift pup away from the Target and hold pup away.

b) Quickly replace the target with something that's legitimately biteable; i.e., some sort of chew toy.

c) Carry on like a banshee when nipped. Squeak like a wounded puppy. Squeal. Go OWWWWWWWWWoooooo!

Comment by Becky Focht on March 31, 2014 at 12:13pm

Tina I wish I could offer some really good advice, but the only thing I can say is patience.  He will grow out of it.  Foxy was the same way.  I used to jump on the couch just so she couldn't bite my ankles because she was so little she couldn't get up there.  All my pants had bite marks in the legs.  Exactly what Susan said, just keep being consistent with telling him it's not acceptable and give him lots of toys to chew on.  Good luck

Comment by susan on March 31, 2014 at 10:59am

All corgi puppies are like that!  LOL.  When he bites make a high pitch "OUCH" sound, sort of like another puppy would make if he bit them too hard.  Then prasie him when he backs off.  Thats how puppies teach each other to have a softer mouth.  Be patient.  You'll need to do this about 3 trillion times before he learns not to bite so hard.    Also, try getting appropriate things to stick in his mouth to bite on.  Rope toys, kong toys, etc.  And, don't play games that encourage biting on you.   Good luck!  It won't last forever.

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