Yesterday Scraper and I went on a 6 mile hike (don't know if that matters, but just thought I'd add that in). It was a very cold night so I decided to let scraper sleep on the bed with us. I let him out to use the restroom around 1am, and I couldn't sleep that night so at 6am I felt cold so I decided to hug him and felt his stomach a bit wet, so I immediately felt the blanket and found that it was wet too. I turned on the lights and saw that he wet himself! I know for a fact that it wasn't there earlier because an hour earlier I moved him because he was laying too close to me and I didn't feel anything. 


Has this ever happened to anyone else? Should I be worried and take him to the vet? He's never done anything like this before, but I'm not sure if it's like little kids that wet the beds every once in a while. I've googled a bit and found that it could be a number of things, just an accident, a dream, or even cancer or UTIs. If this has happened to anyone else, I'd be glad to hear some feedback. Thanks ! 

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Comment by vicky on February 3, 2011 at 4:18pm
im not sure what time hipalest drink of water may have been. I keep my door open so that he can go as he chooses, but I'm sure it wasn't past 1am because once he knocked out he never got up again.

he sleeps on my bed every once in a while. a majority of the time he sleeps under the bed in my parents bedroom. scraper takes a lot of naps on my bed durning the day though. I'm thinking it was just an accident too, since he's acting his normal self. hmm..
Comment by Stephanie on February 3, 2011 at 12:53pm
Maybe he was just REALLY tired and slept right through it?
Comment by John Wolff on February 3, 2011 at 12:48pm

This was a break in his routine?  He does not usually sleep on the bed?  I've heard of older children wetting the bed in a new situation, like summer camp, being away from home for the first time.

It doesn't sound like a "problem" if it's only one isolated incident.  See if it happens again.

Ours sleep on the bed every night, so we have a routine, including one last time outside just before we turn in.   Their crates are always open, and Gwynnie often leaves the bed to sleep in her crate.  We may have had one unexplained pee mistake on the bed, but not sure it wasn't compulsive licking. 

Comment by Geri & Sidney on February 3, 2011 at 11:56am
Usually if it's UTI you will know it from the smell, it will smell really nasty (more than regular pee). I'd guess he was pretty tired from the long walk - and maybe he did have a dream!
Comment by Sam Tsang on February 3, 2011 at 9:06am
What time was his last drink of water? How much did he drink?
Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on February 3, 2011 at 8:19am
teddy has wet the bed 2times before. the first time he was a pup and the second time was his first time ever sleeping in the bed with us and it was actually after a long walk in down town DC. (10 miles) i think he was just so relaxed and tired from it lol
Comment by Beth on February 3, 2011 at 8:12am
Males usually have quite good control, because they "hold it" to mark.  If he's never in the bed he might have been disoriented.  If he's in the bed regularly, I think honestly out of an abundance of caution I'd at least call the vet and see what they suggest.
Comment by vicky on February 3, 2011 at 7:30am
forgot to mention-- scraper will be 3 in April and he's very well potty trained
Comment by christy fry on February 3, 2011 at 6:48am
Teagen peed in my bed once but she was very young maybe 4 months old how old is Scraper?

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