gee, soo much for a corgi kid to do, so lil time, hehehe, so short on legs, ehhehehee........ anyways, still doing the agility more legs on that adventure and always lots of pics and silly videos...............some of me super corgi pup the winning run, and lots of me frapping in the ring, avoiding the table obstacle!
Still working on dock diving and when all else fails...i
just go swimming!
Please come by my other blog site, one for pups, educational and fun... and i tend to write most of the stuff, other than when i have guest writers..... and if any of you corgi kids are on twitter, i am the famous... and one and only kaleycorgi (that is my name on twitter!!!!!!!!!!! so not to be confused with any other pup or person or ....whatever!)
have a great corgi day and come and say hi to me ... kaley corgi kisses : )

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