read it all here!
yes, 8 runs, and Q in 6 --- still frappin and yes, even a NT, aka no time or you might just say, NQ, no qualify.....a standard run where in the end, she fraps back in the ring!.....we are working on it with the command....leash on--- and banking with treats.
kaley is one smart cookie and learns very very quickly providing i know what i am treating for....so we are treating for.....start line stays --- 'touch' on the contact obstacles --- 'leash on'--- 'leash off (so when i take the leash off at the start line she does not take off!)
agility is one of the greatest pup activities to bond with your pup.....and it is lots of fun for pup and handler !
smiles : )

told you, i was the winningest corgi pup!
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