Overnight low of -31 Celsius/-24 Fahrenheit (without the windchill!)?!?!?! Tomorrows daytime HIGH is -18 (-1 Fahrenheit). What kind of high is that?

This is some January/February weather, sure, but not November. I guess mother nature decided that because we had such a crappy summer, she needed to kick-start winter into high gear.

Casey is NOT happy about the weather. She has some wicked cabin fever going on; we've been going for short walks outside (with booties AND socks), but she can't play in the yard without losing her booties to the snow banks. We tried to play this morning, and she was SO geared up to go outside, we got outside and it took about 15 seconds for her to start limping and hustle back to the house. She had this look on her face like: "WHY IS THE GROUND SO COLD? GOING OUTSIDE WAS A MISTAKE!"

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Comment by Kimberlie on November 23, 2010 at 11:12pm
Oh i am with you i am very unhappy with edmontons weather but saddly i have the opposite problem my two are lovinging it so much i can't get them to walk becuase they much rather bound in the plentiful white snow so doing are usually walk takes twice as long so mummy freezes to death, and getting them to come inside takes forever which means going outside to grab them instead(even for quick potty brakes) of opening the door and calling them. Plus i went back to work last week so they went from having 3 hours of exercise (dog park, walks and fetch) and having the whole day playing with mommy to having just one hour and only a portion of the house to run around in, so it's not like i can cut it back anymore with out them driving me crazy and destroying the house.
Comment by Lawren and Teddy on November 23, 2010 at 8:29am
Yeah, the weather is a little loopy. It snowed in Seattle and that sends almost everyone into a panic. "Ahhh snow! Ahh I don't know what to do!" Teddy is loving it and we had a nice walk this morning. Now I am hoping it melts really fast. I'm not a fan.
Comment by Tauna and Kota on November 23, 2010 at 3:02am
What kind of booties do you use? You could try sewing a couple strips of fabric to the booties that go up over her body to the other bootie. That's what I would do so they stay on better... But I have never tried it. or Maybe just put some velcro on the top, outside of the bootie and the end of the fabric strips... That way it would be easier to adjust and put on her. Lol. Good luck. I'm sure she would have much more fun if her booties stayed on! Keep us updated!
Comment by Angela Kau-Forsberg on November 23, 2010 at 2:25am
Oooh! Poor puppala! At least it doesn't frequently get that bad up here. -12 worst on average. I hope things warm up for you!
Comment by Geri & Sidney on November 23, 2010 at 2:14am
Aww, you and Casey should come visit us on San Diego! There has been talk about how cold it's been here...it's been down to a meager 50 degrees!

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