Why is it that when it rains it pours????

Darla and I are still grieving over the loss of my cat and her brother Mejio. But this is just the latest of my problems. A few months ago Darla was mauled by a Rottweiler Mix while walking home from school with my sister and mom. I was at school taking a test when it happened. Darla loves people, but every time she sees another dog she starts barking and goes nuts, for some reason she does this only when she's on a leash. So when my mom saw the other dog approaching, she stopped and asked the lady if the dog was friendly so the two could exchange a friendly sniff. The lady, (probally in her late 50s or early 60s) didn't even finish her sentance before the dog lunged and grabbed Darla by the neck. Darla wears a Gentle Leader, which if you haven't heard of it before it is a leash that goes along the back of her head and snout, (IT IS NOT A MUSSLE but is more like a bridle on a horse) Darla is able to bark and pant and drink with it on, but it restricts on how wide she can open her mouth and if the leash is tightened the slip closes on her mouth and prevents her from opening. So when the dog grabbed her she had no way to defend herself (which accually is the reason she lived, because the vet said that if she fought back the dog would have killed her) the dog shook her back and forth like a rag doll and my mom screamed at the lady to get her dog. She responded by slapping the dog on the butt, (!!!!!!!!!) my mom managed to pull Darla away from the dog, but the Rottwieler was NOT letting Darla go. She grabbed Darla by the leg and pulled her back. My dog had become a living tug of war. Not wanting to rip Darla in half, my mom gave the dog some slack and what she calls on a rush of adrenilin kicked the dog under the jaw. This surprised the dog and it let go. My mom, pulling Darla sprinted across the road yelling for the lady to take the dog and go in the opposite direction. That's when I showed up. After my mom filled me in, I called my house to have my dad come pick me and Darla up so we could get her home. I could see that Darla had been badly wounded and needed medical attention. She ended up getting stitches on her neck, leg, and cheast. I was a few months until she was fully recovered. Although she's fine now, (and still loves people) but we are worried how she'll react to other dogs now. My altimate goal is to get her back to dog beach, one of her favorite places in the world. But my mom seems just as tramitized as Darla, and she's having a hard time too. (And who could blame her??) So I just keep praying we'll find the right trainer. I don't really blame the other dog, the family sent us a card and offered to pay for Darla's medical bill. But I later found out the dog was rescued and had a hard past. So I don't really blame her, I blame the person who did that to her to make her like that.

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Comment by Michelle Anderson on March 19, 2010 at 3:48pm
My heart goes out to you and your family, that is just heart breaking! I wish for a speedy recover for your baby!
Comment by Nicola Porter on March 19, 2010 at 1:36pm
Oh my that poor little soul. LO says "get well soon Darla" Best wishes to you all.
Comment by Joanna, Rainy and Calvin on March 19, 2010 at 11:54am
Poor little Darla!! This had to be so horrible for everyone involved. I commend you for not blaming the other dog. I'm not so sure I could do the same, but I understand your position. I hope Darla has moved past this, can move past this, and that its all smooth sailing from here on out. Lots of love and corgi get well wishes from me and Algy - to you, your family, and especially Darla.
Comment by Avyon on March 19, 2010 at 10:26am
This made me so sad to read... and the image is just heart wrenching! I hope she gets better and hope that it doesn't affect her joy of playing with other dogs :(. Its hard to deal with other pet owners who don't know how to treat their own dogs.

Lots LOTS of love to you sweetheart.. and lots of treat. and hugs.. and snuggles...

aww a puppy should never look like that.
Comment by Sunni A. on March 19, 2010 at 1:40am
Holy crow
Comment by Ashley and Copper on March 18, 2010 at 9:02pm
I'm sure your mom is terrified now. I know I was after Pooh got into a fight with a pit bull mastiff that was at least 100 pounds more than him and that dogs head was the size of Pooh. Pooh thought that the dog (his name was Chopper) was hurting me and Pooh was just trying to get in between us. Chopper and Pooh had played plenty of times and that dog just snapped. I don't know how Pooh walked away with nothing. He was sore the next day and had got Chopper by the throat. I was the only one that did anything when they were fighting; everyone else stood around and watched. It was terrible but the weird thing was that Pooh wasn't different around dogs after that. This may be something that really affected Darla or she may be okay. I was very wary after that; especially, around bigger dogs but Pooh held his own. I was impressed. I hope everything gets better and I completely understand the terror your mom experienced. I thought I was burying my dog that night. I've also had to break up my German Shepherds from fighting and those were never pretty. Hang in there.
Comment by Sam Tsang on March 18, 2010 at 8:30pm
Get well soon Darla!
Comment by Bev Levy on March 18, 2010 at 7:57pm
Poor Darla! I am glad she is OK but be careful when she is introduced to other dogs. After an attack it is not unusual for the one that got attacked to become an attacker or become so fearful that others want to pick on them. I would skip dog parks and stick with only very well known dogs for a while. Our doberman is not aggressive off leash but I do not trust her leashed. It is a totally different attitude when she is leashed. I hope Darla suffers no ill effects! Poor thing, I can not imagine how scary it was for all of you.
Comment by Bev Levy on March 18, 2010 at 7:56pm
Poor Darla! I am glad she is OK but be careful when she is introduced to other dogs. After an attack it is not unusual for the one that got attacked to become an attacker or become so fearful that others want to pick on them. I would skip dog parks and stick with only very well known dogs for a while. Our doberman is not aggressive off leash but I do not trust her leashed. It is a totally different attitude when she is leashed. I hope Darla suffers no ill effects! Poor thing, I can not imagine how scary it was for all of you.
Comment by John Wolff on March 18, 2010 at 7:27pm
I especially recommend this Leerburg link. I'm going to repost it in the "Health" forum. It is addressed more towards aggressive, larger dogs but it's useful information and it sounds like he knows what he's talking about:
Leerburg, how to break up a dogfight

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