I can't tell if Four and the cats like each other. He just wants to play. They don't back down. Will they ever all take a nap together and be friends? That will be a fabulous picture :)

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Comment by Brooke Busteed on July 24, 2012 at 12:34pm

Until somebody loses an eye though.....My cat seems to torment him on purpose though.  Before I brought Billy home Bigworm (my cat) was NEVER on the ground.  He was either on the couch or the bed ....NOW, he is ALWAYS on the ground just to torment him.  He will just sit there and stare at him while he barks and once he gets jusssssst close enough SMACKKK!!

Comment by J on July 24, 2012 at 12:25pm

LOL!!! That is exactly what happens. The cats beat him up. At least it's great for a good laugh. 

Comment by Brooke Busteed on July 24, 2012 at 12:07pm

I am having the SAME issue.  I feel if Billy would just RELAX and stop barking at my cat, my cat would stop beating him up.  My cat is NOT afraid whatsoever but I want them to be friends...NEED them to be.

Comment by Rebecca Marie O'Bryan on July 24, 2012 at 12:03pm

if u give it time they will be:) when we brought dollar home she did NOT like the cats. but after 1week she accepted them and after 2weeks they were great friends. my cats are very social (i think they think they are dogs lol) so they wanted to be friends but dollar did not (at first). just give it some time:)

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