Wisdom teeth out today, will be without Astro for a few days. :(

Hello all! I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted at 9:45 this morning and things are going well, for me at least. The novocaine is starting to wear off and I am freaking out because I have no idea when I should start taking the painkillers they prescribed me. I don't want to be in excruciating pain while the stuff kicks in.

Anywho, Astro is at my boyfriend's house so I doubt he will miss me much while I am at home recuperating, what with all the ruckus going on there right now - house painting, the elementary school's little league team practicing on the other side of the fence (Astro loves to bark at them), and Lucy's (my boyfriend's dog, a pitbull/shepherd mix) constant bullying. I have been busy this past month or so and feel bad that I haven't been able to spend every waking second with Astro like I wish I could, but he is coming into his own now and he is very independent! Always annoyed when mom comes around, haha. He'll come when called but only when he wants to, he'll do tricks but only when he wants to, and when (heaven forbid!) someone wants to play with him or pet him when he's not in the mood, he does that corgi-pig-moaning-growl-thing, such a sassypants.

Has anybody else seen those collars with little corgis printed on them? So cute! It's about time Astro gets a new collar, and I have my eye on one of those, although I don't want to make any rash decisions here. The little guy is growing like a weed!

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Comment by Diana Z. on June 29, 2009 at 4:56pm
Thank you! I've taken a couple of the antibiotics already because I am trying to avoid an infection at all costs (I've had abscesses before, NOT fun), and I took one Vicodin earlier as the novocaine was wearing off and it didn't really do anything to ease the pain, so I think I will skimp on those if at all possible. Just glad that Astro is in good hands and being taken care of.
Comment by Kyle, Megan and Loki on June 29, 2009 at 4:23pm
I would only take the pills if necessary, as I know I didn't need any (and wasn't given any). Good luck and hope you are back on solids in a day or 2./

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