
It has only been a few months since I brought this little fuzzy, hot dog-shaped bundle of joy (and trouble) home and it feels like he's been a part of the family forever already!

While he is well behaved most of the time, he has picked up a few vices (I blame my boyfriend's pit-shepherd mix), and one of them is. . . Dun dun dun! CHEWING. He has already gone through two or three pairs of shoes, a couch cushion, a comforter, a few spots in the rug, and the baseboards in the living room. I am at a loss of what to do! I have tried all of the recommended training methods: keeping an eye on him and replacing destructive chewing behaviors with squeaky toys, spraying problem areas with bitter apple spray, etc. Nothing works! The little bugger is too smart for his own good and for being pretty clumsy most of the time, he is sneaky like a ninja when he gets the urge to chew! Any other corgi owners have this problem? If so, what did you do to correct it? I am just about at the end of my rope! For now, he either gets crated or is shut in my room when no one is home. :(

I recently switched his food because I could not find a store within a reasonable driving distance that carries the brand I had him on, Orijen. He has been eating Innova EVO Red Meat Little Bites for the past two weeks or so, and I'm not sure I'm loving the results. His eyes have been runnier than usual and I just feel like Orijen has a more balanced formula, and is less fattening. Luckily, I found a small mom & pop pet store not too far from here, and they carry Orijen, yay! I'm excited to try Orijen Regional Red, but I don't think that has hit the states yet.

Astro got a new bed yesterday and a new Kong (which I filled with peanut butter & he LOVED that, except now I can't find it anywhere) and a new plushie octopus toy because his favorite snake plushie was ripped apart by his dear friend Boq (a great dane-shepherd mix, I think).

Anyway, that's all the news here. Hope everyone is having a great, corgi-filled day!

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Comment by Jane Christensen on September 1, 2009 at 10:13am
Good point Bev...about the confinement!
Comment by Bev Levy on September 1, 2009 at 10:00am
10 months is still a little young to be unsupervised. I have found the kong with a little cheese or p-nut butter helps calm and entertain when we are gone. We also use the cow bones. At his age confinement is the best solution at least until his teeth all come in. They have such a strong need to chew when they are teething!
Comment by Jane Christensen on September 1, 2009 at 8:18am
I don't know of a plush toy that wouldn't be desytroyed in minutes...my suggestion would be cow hooves...these last a LONG time in my house and the dogs chew on them constantly...even big dogs...make sure they are USDA or they will stink!!! Best thing I ever found...rawhides don't work at my house either....Good Luck!
Comment by Diana Z. on September 1, 2009 at 2:25am
Whew, thankfully he hasn't acquired a taste for electrical cords! It seems to me that he has a liking for wood (i.e. baseboards and walls) and soft things, like blankets and plush toys. He also got a hold of my favorite flip flops and a few pairs of my boyfriend's mom's shoes, but for the most part the biggest problem has been his chewing on the house itself, because that is not only expensive but a pain in the butt to fix!

So far I've tried bones (he destroys them in a matter of minutes and then I have to take them away because they pose as a choking hazard), rawhides, rubber toys, and plush toys and nothing seems to satisfy him for more than 5 minutes. He's amused for a little while and then moves onto things he isn't supposed to be chewing. I guess the old saying is true, you always want what you can't have!
Comment by John Wolff on September 1, 2009 at 2:12am
We had good luck with these big beef bones we got at the pet store. I seem to remember that they figured out pretty quick what was theirs to chew and what wasn't. There were a couple of expensive mistakes. Plastic PETE bottles were always popular.
Watch out for chewing electrical cords!

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