You know, things that puppies decide to chew are random in nature and are with out prejudice. They like to chew the love to chew; some things that they chew it is the reaction of "Hey" to the scale of "Oh My God Put That down". My dog, he loves to chew no matter the consequence of punishment that he gets I have guessed that he has decided that it is worth the chewing. But last night he crossed a very thin line chewing a pair of my girlfriends Joan and David shoes, her favorite shoes the shoes that were a gift from her mother. Of course Ben is only a small part of this event. It was I ( i think) that left the bedroom door open and didn't check on him after he disappeared for several minutes. It was her that left the shoes on the floor, her favorite shoes should not have been there. The discovery to this event was not taken well, in fact it was comparable to the discovery of a love one that had passed. In reality it is true in this case but the loved one was a size 6 low heel with black suede and a round toe. The day after this major change in her relationship with Ben has not happened yet as it is early in the morning and she is sleeping off her grief but I am sure that there is going to be a period of morning. I woke early and removed the shoes after letting her have her moment to grief with them. I was instructed to remove them from the room before she wakes in the morning so she can continue to morn.

My Girlfriend is a sensible person and she knows that Ben is just a dog and that it is not 100% his fault. I am sure that they will be good and there relationship will continue.

So whats the moral of this story? Well . . . I guess that is that if you know your puppy chews a certain item, has a palate for a house hold item then make sure you can move that item away out of his reach, and train him not to chew and not to chew everything he can find.

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Comment by Rosie & Sport on September 22, 2009 at 8:06pm
Haha. Ben sounds like Sport! If I notice he's gone for more than 5 minutes and I can't hear him eating his food I know he's up to no good. I'm constantly checking on him and make sure he always has a raw hide or something to chew on. I have to pick up every cord and all my shoes before I leave the room. He's so sneaky too! He'll chew on his bones right next to a wire, it drives me nuts!
Comment by Sarah C. on September 22, 2009 at 6:30pm
The underneath of my bed has a barrier of stacked ammo cans (I'm a geocacher, not a militant) and there is not one thing on my floor. Amazing because I am the messiest person in the world. The things we are driven to for our puppies.
Comment by Grace, Cason and Luna on September 22, 2009 at 3:50pm
I know what you mean. We have metal trash cans with pop-up lids and Luna's thing, if there is a trash bag hanging over the edge, is pulling on it until she has gotten trash EVERYWHERE. She hasn't messed with shoes but loves trash, cords, charcoal bags, boxes and tons of other things she knows she shouldn't get. When I read that if Corgis aren't stimulated enough they will find something to do and it usually isn't good - OMG that is soooo true!
Comment by Beauty and the Beast on September 22, 2009 at 1:34pm
I have a few shoes (one of them is Joan and David as well) that I'd cry like a baby if they got destroyed. That is why even before I got the dog I made sure I'd never leave them out.
Now, he did chew 2 pairs of my flipflops and sneakers and sunglasses, but those didn't matter.
Shiro is now almost 8 months old and at this point I can allow myself leave my precious shoes on the floor for a few minutes, but it did take us a while to teach him not to touch our stuff. I'm sure he still would if left alone for long enough.
BTW taking your girlfriend to DSW and letting her pick new shoes would definitely help!
Comment by Avyon on September 22, 2009 at 12:50pm
Hahaha we had a similar moment when Roxi decided that my bfs shiney new bass would be a prime target for her young teeth.

In the end I'm sure she will remember that a thing is just a thing and maybe the cuteness and memories of a growing pup will take over the grief..

that or buying her a new pair of shoes ;) eh eh wink wink nudge nudge?

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