We were driving back from Colorado, leaving Friday at 7AM, to arrive back in San Antonio at 11PM after being gone for SIX DAYS) Luckily my sister was driving from College Station to SA at around 4PM, so she was able to pick up Pooka from my grandmother's house. Katie kind've looks like me and she said when she got there, Pooka was all crated up and barking at her incessantly (excited) and whined the whole car ride.

When we finally got there, I did not recognize the dog jumping over the couch. Even if I leave her for like 2 days, I never recognize her when I come back. She looks so much bigger! So different!! ( I think she keeps her ears back and her body language is a bit different when we reunite due to her excitement, because once we get back home, she looks normal to me again). Plus, she was CHUBBY!!

I couldn't believe it, I was so pleased. I kept rubbing her belly and fondling it happily. She's always been so skinny and I've always felt like a bad mother when people see her and they ask if she's being treated for worms [sigh]. "You shouldn't be able to see her ribs like that" "Well, maybe its just a growth spurt"

Now that she's been home a few days, she's a skinny girl again T.T

Our theory is that grandma didn't play fetch with her constantly and she either just walked around the yard, or was cooped up in her crate on bad weather days (cuz even grandma said sometimes she wouldn't eat very well).

C'est la vie. I'm not giving up Fetch for vanity.

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