Lucy & Ricky (Wendy/Jack )'s Comments

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At 12:37pm on November 30, 2009, Jessica Lea & Sydney said…
My wonderful adventure begins when I pick up little Sydney tomorrow. Can't believe the time is here! Lucy is precious - I look forward to seeing more home videos of her!

I notice you have traveled with her. Could you share some tips with me? I am taking Sydney home to NY with me for the holidays. Actually, our trips sound fairly similar. I am flying from Portland, OR to Long Island (my mom is in East Williston and my dad happens to live in Long Beach now) on a direct flight and then have a plane change on the way back. I want to make sure the flight is as smooth and comfortable as possible for Sydney. How did you handle this for Lucy? I appreciate it!
At 10:53pm on November 29, 2009, Tobias, Meiko, & Marshall said…
thank you =)
i was so happy to find a black masked tri to adopt...your dogs are beautiful as well and your pups are too cute
At 11:19pm on November 28, 2009, Meg Jones & Indiana said…
Your corgi pictures are so cute! Don't tell my puppy, but I sure spent a lot of time cooing over yours!! ;)
At 6:36pm on November 28, 2009, Dara and Gracie said…
Lucy is so so darn cute! Reminds me so much of Gracie!
At 3:06pm on November 28, 2009, Buddy & Wynstan said…
i especially love all of the rivalry games, I hope Notre Dame wins, the Gators should stomp the Seminoles. The FL-Bama game is going to be tense, I think it will be determined in the last 5 minutes if both teams play hard
At 4:15pm on November 27, 2009, WhiteDove said…
Here's the link, to the playlist. . .let me know what you find out. . .thanks.
At 4:14pm on November 26, 2009, WhiteDove said…
Hi, right above the "My Photos" is a Playlist (it's pink), you can click on the center button that looks like two bars that are straight up and down. That will stop the music.

I just added some more pictures too. . . .
At 2:47pm on November 26, 2009, WhiteDove said…
Thank you for your comment on my page. . .here's a little Corgi humor your way. . . . .
At 9:15pm on November 25, 2009, Mal Schaal said…
LOL, she's not perfect! (But close)
when I got her I asked which one is more of a cuddler. She said that her name for Cookie was Cuddles. I got very lucky with her.
I'm so glad you like the pictures, I love taking them. But I have no one here who gets how awesome she is!
My mom's dog has a cat, and when she goes over there she follows the cat everywhere. There is a papasan chair, and both her and the cat get in it and roll around together. My mom swears that when Cookie isn't there in the morning the cat walks around meowing, looking for her.
At 7:24pm on November 25, 2009, Ellen Mai said…
aww.. your fur babies are soo cute!!! i just wanna hug and kiss them!
At 1:22pm on November 25, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 7:31am on November 25, 2009, Mal Schaal said…
Lol, have you seen other peoples photo pages on this site? Nobody here will ever tell you that you have too many. They are all beautiful. Are Lucy and Izze both fixed? That could explain it, but I'm sure you already thought of that.
At 11:32am on November 24, 2009, Sam Tsang said…
No problem, no one got your email address, when a member added you as a friend or send you a message, relay the message and prompt you to check email, no one has your email address unless you give them one.
At 11:34am on November 23, 2009, Sam Tsang said…
You're welcome! Thanks for the add :)
At 11:53pm on November 22, 2009, Mickey said…
Sophie came thru the surgery with flying colors. It was the end of July and she's healed really well. I did some swimming w/her and the Dr. says that was good therapy for her. The hardest part has been growing her fur back. It's almost all grown back in except for this patch on her hind end. For some reason it's taking forever and you can only see this dark almost black patch back there. Other than that, she's doing great for a 12yr old grandma!
At 9:00pm on November 22, 2009, Mickey said…
Lucy Lucy! oh my aching heart!! what a cutie as a puppy and even more so now!! She definately has the Pettiwood look, doesn't she? Sophie's Great granddad on her Dad's side is Cappykorns Bach. Her great grandfather on Mom's side is Nebriowa Front and Center. And her Great Great Grand mother is Nebriowa Stitch in Time. I am so grateful that Pat gave me Sophie's Generation Centificate of Pedigree so I can see her line that goes way way back. It is good to know where Nebriowa is - I am familiar with the East Bay area. Next time around, I'll plan to get 2 puppies.
At 2:07am on November 21, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
Hi guys!
we're in North San Diego county, near Oceanside. We have wonderful huge corgi meet-ups here in San Diego (there's one at the dog park in Poway tomorrow morning at 10am) in case you ever want to take a little drive south
At 11:28pm on November 20, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Jack, Wendy and Lucy from a fellow Southern Californian!

LOL @ Bloody Mary, those are delish!
At 10:49pm on November 20, 2009, Mal Schaal said…
I love her eyes! She is beautiful!

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