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At 5:20pm on February 28, 2010, Avyon said…
Sorry I forgot to mention - They go fast because they're so cheap. So just keep checking back on the site when you can. I'm not getting any but she gave a shout-out/warning that she'll be posting more tonight.
At 5:17pm on February 28, 2010, Avyon said…
Hi Rose :) We live in Fairfax - you should meet us at the corgi fair/meets that we go to every now and then hehe.

I buy my antlers at which is fairly cheap. Though I think Chris (my manthing) is going hunting with his friends next time they go. If they bring any extras home I'll think of you since they sometimes find them laying around in the woods.
At 4:45pm on December 24, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi, Glad you enjoyed the Christmas photos! Yes, I am ready for Christmas finally!!! Monday I was out all day making sure I was ready and forgot all about my daughters orhtodontic evalutaion, lol!! Well next year we will get her in! Is Oreo chewing on Rudulphs antlers in picture number 2? Have a very Merry Christmas.
At 10:37pm on December 23, 2008, Karen said…
Uno DEFINITELY has the stocky corgi legs, particularly his forelegs. Thanks for the birthday greetings to my son! (He just turned 19.) My birthday is actually Nov. 1, and my mom's is Nov. 20. We have no lack of November birthdays here! Take care!
At 7:48pm on December 23, 2008, Karen said…
Hello Rose, what great pics! Looks like Uno is one bright-eyed, happy pup. He and one of my human children share a November 16 birthday, I see. I'd say that Uno is aptly named. With his unique canine heritage, he truly is ONE-of-a- kind! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
At 11:09am on November 8, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi Rose! Lance loves the snow! We havent had any yet, it is suppose to snow today though. Lance loves to run in the snow and also eat it! I cant believe it is almost Thanksgiving and soon Christmas will be here, time is just going by too fast. Lance just turned 3 at the end of October, talk about time going fast.....zoom!! Have a great day! Talk to you later
At 11:24pm on November 7, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi! How are you? Uno still loving the baths? Lance tolerates them and that is it, if we bathe him ourselves we carry him to the bath, if I have him come upstairs while I bathe then he sits at the very end of the hallway, like I am not going near that water!!! Cracks me up. He really never has been swimming, I wonder if he would even enjoy it. The only lake he would have to swim in is when we visit my in laws in the upper Peninsula of Michigan and that Lake Superior is COLD, I dont think he would enjoy it one bit, I know I dont, I guess we will always have a corgi who doesnt like water!
At 6:18am on September 7, 2008, Tammey & Caven said…

What is the deal with Corgis and bananas? Great looking pup. welcome to you and your family
At 9:33am on September 5, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Also thank you for the wonderful compliment on Lances beautiful ears!
At 8:19am on September 5, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Thank You for the lovely compliment on Lance, he is a blue merle, which refers to the coloring of him, alot of blue merles are alot more grey than Lance, he has a marbled grey, doesnt show up too well in pictures but he does have some grey. Blue merles also have blue eyes, which Lance does have. Lance will tolerate his bath and really hasnt been around a whole lot of water other than that! We have been taking Lance to a groomer so he has been getting his baths there but I think we may start doing the grooming ourselves again I will have to fill the bath tub and put toys in there and see what he does! Lance has been to Lake Superior but that is much too cold to swim in!!! I meant to mention your recipe website is very interesting, I am going to have to try some of those delicious recipes!
Lance will be three in October, hard to believe! I see all the puppy pictures and makes me want another one but just cant! We will enjoy Lance! Love Uno and the bannana picture, cute! Natalie
At 12:32am on September 5, 2008, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Uno is so adorable! I loved the video on your website after eating the mac and cheese, very cute! Seems like Uno is very fun!
At 12:18pm on September 4, 2008, Rose said…
Thank you Sam. Happy to be here! :)
At 10:16am on September 4, 2008, Sam Tsang said…
Welcome Rose, Uno and family!
At 7:42pm on September 3, 2008, Rose said…
Uno is 9 1/2 months. If you saw the mother you would see the Papillon. And his fur is very much the Papillon, single coat, and softer than silk. His markings too are more Papillon than anything else, mostly white with the mask and his tail is the prettiest feather plume. I just love that proud, silly tail.
At 7:24pm on September 3, 2008, Lil' Guinness said…
He is such a cutie! I never would have guessed he was part papillon!
How old is he?

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