Guinness turned 5 today on Aug. 5! Happy Birthday to him!
Profile Information
About Me:
I've loved dogs all my life. Now I finally get to have another one. My friends think he's adorable! Well, he is!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We are the proud owners of a little tri-colored Corgi named Guinness. We got him on September 28, 2008. He just turned 1 year old on August 5, 2009! He's a big boy now!
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I love your group. It's guaranteed to make me smile, or laugh out loud, no matter my mood. I always recommend your group to new members. Congrats on your group being 3 yrs. old ( I think). MyCorgi could do a GREAT, hilarious calendar with the photos. I guess the challenge will be to get members to use a camera and not a cell phone to capture these photos. I get a lot of flak from members for my iPhone photos. But, we all know, if we move to grab THAT camera, the moment is gone. Thank you for all the joy you've given me, since I joined mycorgi! I'm going to attach a few photos.
Wow, 6 A+ is wonderful! Great job!
Thanksgiving was good but a little crazy with all the little kids. My kids are the oldest, but then there are 7 kids age 9 and under that belong to my sisters!
We found out in late August that Sidney has really bad hip dysplasia. This means his hip sockets didn't form correctly and the knob at the top of his leg bone does not fit correctly in his hip joint. It was making walking difficult for him because the leg bone was rubbing against the hip bone, which you might imagine would hurt a lot! We didn't know about it until one night his leg bone popped right out of the socket, got dislocated and poor Sidney was in crazy pain. We took him to the vet next day, they did xrays and told us about the problem. They said the best thing to do was this surgery on the worse of the 2 hip sockets (the one where the leg bone popped out). In the surgery, they cut off the highest part of the leg bone, the part that rubs against his hip. Then the hip is not a ball-and-socket joint anymore, but something they call a floating joint. When it first dislocated he could not set is foot down at all, but now he walks and runs on it normally again.
Hey Hannah, it's been ages since I've talked to you! How have you been? How's school? What grade are you in now? I bet Lil' Guinness isn't so little anymore.
Thanks , I'm so glad you like Sidney's photo. WE took that one for fun, but I liked it so much I decided to submit it. Did you know Sidney had surgery? OH, he's a boy, by the way ;-)
Comment Wall (136 comments)
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Happy Birthday
thanks for the welcome!
I love your group. It's guaranteed to make me smile, or laugh out loud, no matter my mood. I always recommend your group to new members. Congrats on your group being 3 yrs. old ( I think). MyCorgi could do a GREAT, hilarious calendar with the photos. I guess the challenge will be to get members to use a camera and not a cell phone to capture these photos. I get a lot of flak from members for my iPhone photos. But, we all know, if we move to grab THAT camera, the moment is gone. Thank you for all the joy you've given me, since I joined mycorgi! I'm going to attach a few photos.

Thanksgiving was good but a little crazy with all the little kids. My kids are the oldest, but then there are 7 kids age 9 and under that belong to my sisters!
We found out in late August that Sidney has really bad hip dysplasia. This means his hip sockets didn't form correctly and the knob at the top of his leg bone does not fit correctly in his hip joint. It was making walking difficult for him because the leg bone was rubbing against the hip bone, which you might imagine would hurt a lot! We didn't know about it until one night his leg bone popped right out of the socket, got dislocated and poor Sidney was in crazy pain. We took him to the vet next day, they did xrays and told us about the problem. They said the best thing to do was this surgery on the worse of the 2 hip sockets (the one where the leg bone popped out). In the surgery, they cut off the highest part of the leg bone, the part that rubs against his hip. Then the hip is not a ball-and-socket joint anymore, but something they call a floating joint. When it first dislocated he could not set is foot down at all, but now he walks and runs on it normally again.
Thanks , I'm so glad you like Sidney's photo. WE took that one for fun, but I liked it so much I decided to submit it. Did you know Sidney had surgery? OH, he's a boy, by the way ;-)
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