Durri Bakht
  • Female
  • Carbondale, IL
  • United States
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  • Michelle & Jetty
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  • Tina, Bentley & Brodi's Page
  • Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie
  • Elizabeth, Hermione and Luna
  • Cody
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan

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Hi, everyone! Been gone for several years. My first corgi crossed the rainbow bridge a few years back and now I have two new corgs, a sweet male and a female, in addition to our rescue lab mix. Losing my first corgi Cocosette was a real blow.The female I have now is proving to be ...a real challenge. I'm hoping she will mellow once we get her spayed later this spring. Otherwise we'll be looking for a behaviorist for help. I'm at a loss with her, frankly.At any rate, I'm looking forward to…See More

Profile Information

About Me:
Owner of two corgis and a rescue lab.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Cachapa,female, redheaded tri-color,born April 2023

Whiskey, male, blackheaded tri-color, American corgi,born May 2023.

Cocosette Ramotswe de Savoy, born April 7, 2011. Crossed rainbow bridge, 2022
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Durri Bakht's Blog


Posted on March 21, 2025 at 7:15pm 0 Comments

Hi, everyone! Been gone for several years. My first corgi crossed the rainbow bridge a few years back and now I have two new corgs, a sweet male and a female, in addition to our rescue lab mix. Losing my first corgi Cocosette was a real blow.

The female I have now is proving to be ...a real challenge. I'm hoping she will mellow once we get her spayed later this spring. Otherwise we'll be looking for a behaviorist for help. I'm at a loss with her, frankly.

At any rate, I'm…


'Tis the Season

Posted on December 24, 2015 at 1:42am 2 Comments

Cocosette would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring good food, good weather, and great friends :o)

Cocosette -vs- The Fearsome Crawdad of Doom

Posted on March 16, 2012 at 9:00pm 12 Comments


I thought it was a draw.

Until Fearsome broke out the heavy…


Finicky eater

Posted on March 16, 2012 at 3:17pm 5 Comments

Cocosette will be turning one year old next month!  Time flies when a corgi is around.  Feels like I've had her for much longer, can't imagine life without her.  I've had two dogs in the past, Gertude who lasted 10 years and Laika for 16 years, and I loved those dogs like crazy.  But I don't think either of them have ever been as much my dog as Cocosette has become. 

When I was researching corgis before I got Cocosette, the most common warning I came across was not to overfeed…


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At 10:19am on July 18, 2018, WhiteDove said…
Pupsters on the Rocks!!!!! photo Pupsters Welcome You.jpg
At 8:44pm on June 30, 2011, Lil' Guinness said…
Sure did! He went trick-or-treating as a pumpkin; he really didn't like the hat with the pumpkin stem on it! Some of the dog owners around the neighborhood gave him treats too. How do your dogs celebrate Halloween?
At 5:23pm on June 24, 2011, Cody said…
Corgis are so smart and full of life!
At 11:22pm on June 19, 2011, Priscilla, CARLY, and Frankie said…
Hey , i jsut read your comment about frankie and i thought i should say welcome to the corgi club...they are a lot of work and a lot of fun!!
At 2:56pm on June 15, 2011, Rebecca Marie O'Bryan said…

aww thank you so much!!!=D  i love how sweet your corgi looks, she is such a cutie! those toys sound fun, especially since they have squeakers haha. i would be happy to help u as i am a dog trainer at petco:) when it comes to nipping, if she does nip u say "ouch!" or "no!" and stand up, turn your back, and ignore for about 5 seconds. if u keep doing that she will learn that putting her teeth on u is no fun for u or her because the playing stops. if that dosnt work after a few days, try putting her in her crate for a time out for about three minuets. if u need anything else let me know:) i am very happy to help!


p.s. i LOVE pontoons! they are so fun. teddy has never been on one but i bet he would love it since he loves the water, im glad u like the pic:) hes such a water baby lol

At 8:11pm on June 14, 2011, Cody gave Durri Bakht a gift
At 12:37am on June 14, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Yeah, it just depends, but for the most part I would say its not the busiest chat.  Don't give up though :)  Thanks so much for your comment on Lance.  He is a cardigan (blue merle).  We just adopted Tucker (pem), a month before Cocosette was born!  I can't believe how fast the time is flying, we have had him 3 months now.  Your pup will grow up so fast, its amazing.  Love the eyebrows on your pup, she is just adorable. 
At 12:08am on June 14, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
at times i believe people are signed off of mycorgi, but not of chat.
At 12:01am on June 14, 2011, Natalie, Lance &Tucker said…
Hi!  Saw that you were wanting to chat and asking how it works.  Alot of times it is hit or miss, for chatting.  Alot of people are signed in but doesn't necessarily mean they know about the chat.  I believe chat automatically logs you in when you sign into mycorgi.  Hope this helps.
At 6:19pm on June 13, 2011, Tina, Bentley & Brodi's Page said…

Yes lots of action at our house, I call them the 16 paws (we actually have 4) but the corgis are by far the craziest!!

At 2:37pm on June 13, 2011, Tina, Bentley & Brodi's Page said…

Welcome! Very swet girl, enjoy!!

At 7:13pm on June 8, 2011, Yuki & Ellie said…
Welcome Durri and Cocosette.  :)  What an adorable little lady she is!
At 10:34pm on May 22, 2011, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome Durri and Cocosette! What a cool name she has.
At 7:35am on May 22, 2011, Lynne Cerny said…
Welcome to MyCorgi Durri & Cocosette!

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