Durri Bakht's Blog (7)


Hi, everyone! Been gone for several years. My first corgi crossed the rainbow bridge a few years back and now I have two new corgs, a sweet male and a female, in addition to our rescue lab mix. Losing my first corgi Cocosette was a real blow.

The female I have now is proving to be ...a real challenge. I'm hoping she will mellow once we get her spayed later this spring. Otherwise we'll be looking for a behaviorist for help. I'm at a loss with her, frankly.

At any rate, I'm…


Added by Durri Bakht on March 21, 2025 at 7:15pm — No Comments

'Tis the Season

Cocosette would like to wish everyone Happy Holidays and may the New Year bring good food, good weather, and great friends :o)

Added by Durri Bakht on December 24, 2015 at 1:42am — 2 Comments

Cocosette -vs- The Fearsome Crawdad of Doom


I thought it was a draw.

Until Fearsome broke out the heavy…


Added by Durri Bakht on March 16, 2012 at 9:00pm — 12 Comments

Finicky eater

Cocosette will be turning one year old next month!  Time flies when a corgi is around.  Feels like I've had her for much longer, can't imagine life without her.  I've had two dogs in the past, Gertude who lasted 10 years and Laika for 16 years, and I loved those dogs like crazy.  But I don't think either of them have ever been as much my dog as Cocosette has become. 

When I was researching corgis before I got Cocosette, the most common warning I came across was not to overfeed…


Added by Durri Bakht on March 16, 2012 at 3:17pm — 5 Comments

Time flies, Cocosette swims!

Can't believe my fur-baby is 13 weeks old now.  She's growing overnight, it seems like.  Every morning I wake to a larger dog.  Even had to buy her a new collar as she'd outgrown the first one.  I must say, for a medium-small dog, corgis have thick necks! 

Our weekend trips to the lake are paying off; Cocosette swam out twice to me.  So… Continue

Added by Durri Bakht on July 15, 2011 at 4:22pm — 1 Comment

Our first vet visit

Took Cocosette to the vet for a puppy check-in.  She was mostly calm about the entire affair-- the weighing, nail clipping, temp taking (Ay!) and the doc's exam.  Her only objections were to the shot and, oddly enough, the dose of de-wormer.  I've only had her for a week, but she's already growing like a weed; added another pound since her last weigh-in.  The vet had lovely, soft hands manipulating Cocosette and gave me some…


Added by Durri Bakht on June 13, 2011 at 9:51pm — 7 Comments

Cocosette in da house!

We finally got our potato home yesterday after much anticipation.  We picked her out three weeks ago and were surprised that she hadn't grown much.  Our last dog, Laika, was a samoyed who seemed to grow an inch in every direction every day.  No matter, Cocosette is absolutely…


Added by Durri Bakht on June 8, 2011 at 4:59pm — 11 Comments

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