LaRissa L. Head's Comments

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At 2:21pm on March 30, 2012, Bev Levy said…

Happy Birthday!

At 11:31am on June 29, 2011, Elizabeth said…

Ha ha! Well, we actually recenly lost our 20-y-o tuxedo, Charlie, so we've only got one of each.  (Thanks for prompting me to update my profile.)  Do you think you can convince him that you only need to get ONE cat?!  It is, after all, adopt a shelter cat month. (smile)

At 8:52pm on June 15, 2011, Ashley Robbins gave LaRissa L. Head a gift
At 9:38pm on March 30, 2011, Bev Levy said…
Happy Birthday La Rissa!
At 11:04am on March 19, 2011, DeeDea & Pudge said…
The name Commander Adama definitely came up as a name last night. :)
At 7:19pm on January 28, 2011, Cheryl Lyons gave LaRissa L. Head a gift
At 8:41pm on January 15, 2011, Terri F. said…

Hope that your trip was safe and uneventful.  I am sure that you will be a perfect mom for your new puppy.  Puppies are so exciting, they are very resilient (sp), perhaps the best ever time wasters.  It is hard to get anything done.......

Best of luck and keep us posted....

At 3:28pm on January 15, 2011, Molly & Linda gave LaRissa L. Head a gift
At 8:11pm on December 6, 2010, Joanna Jahn said…
Thanks! Good to know :) Roslyn is gorgeous! My mom has a Pem named Zippy, so if/when we come to any meet-ups we may bring her along. Looking forward to meeting you!
At 2:47pm on May 19, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Thanks LaRissa, Sparty and Izzy were on good behavior at the park. They are both all corgi and capable of embarrassing the heck out of me! Fortunately I usually don't mind a little attitude! I hope we can all manage some other get togethers.
At 8:34am on May 19, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
Hey we are headed to the Bark Park at 5 tonight, should be there until 6:30ish! Hope to see you.
At 8:28pm on May 5, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
No problem. She was really scared, it being her first time and all. But she stared to warm up toward the end. Hope we can do it another day!
At 7:37pm on May 1, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
I'll be there sounds good!
At 9:20am on April 30, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
I love fluffys!
At 9:19am on April 30, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
I have Wednesday off so after 5 would work then if it's good for you.
At 9:59pm on April 29, 2010, Elizabeth Olsen said…
Dog park sounds wonderful! What days work best for you?
At 3:23pm on March 29, 2010, Bev Levy said…
Happy Birthday!
At 7:48pm on November 27, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…
Thank you very much.
At 1:23pm on November 25, 2009, Wendt Worth Corgi's said…

At 11:41pm on November 20, 2009, Geri & Sidney said…
Welcome LaRissa and Roslyn! She's beautiful and looks right at home.

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