Kristen's Comments

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At 10:30am on April 13, 2008, ilovestubbylegs said…
as i was trying to say: LOVE their corgis as much as i do!
At 10:28am on April 13, 2008, ilovestubbylegs said…
thanx :) what a fun website, hope i can get it figured out. its nice to know other people LOVE
At 10:07am on April 12, 2008, penny spencer said…
Kristen, I envy your life! So full and rewarding. The animals are fine. Roscoe continues to "flood" the floors, but wee wee pads help. Lovely weather a few days, then rain, rain, tornado watch last night with marble sized hail! Ugly today. Wish I could get to Iowa to rescue a corgi or 2 from the puppy mill raid. With kids leaving nest I need a "baby" again. Nice to hear from a fellow "senior" (I'm 56....can't believe I actually told you this!) Keep in touch. Penny
At 7:01pm on April 11, 2008, Shannon said…
Hi there, my wife will be showing both our dachshund Jasmine and our new corgi boy Snowy. My son will be with her but I'll have to work. I should be able to make it to the qwest center show. If you see them say Hi
At 12:03pm on April 9, 2008, seganita_8 said…
Thanks for the comment Kristen! I'm from northeast Kansas and I always loved going to Omaha, Nebraska to visit the zoo as a kid. Anyway, your corgis are adorable!
At 8:17am on April 9, 2008, HamandPip said…
Thank you for the wonderful comments! Your pups are adorable, too!! I see you have a fairly new addition...I'm slowly trying to convince my husband we need to add a third to the pack!! :-D
At 8:10pm on April 7, 2008, Lisa said…
thank you so much for the warm welcome. my nollie is just 11 weeks today.
At 5:02pm on April 7, 2008, Cheri said…
The exact description of our Pem! Drop the ears and wiggle the butt! In fact we call her "wiggle butt" all the time. When Dudley meets a stranger his ears go down and he'll slowly creep up to them. He's not the most confident of dogs. But once he sniffs them and decides they're okay, he's done. He just turns and walks away. People are always so sad because he is so handsome they want to pet him and he's indifferent.
At 9:08am on April 7, 2008, Cheri said…
Well, I can only tell you the "in general" and how my cardi has been. We got him as a puppy and he was a bundle of energy just like any puppy, but MUCH calmer than say a Lab puppy. I didn't have my Pem when she was a puppy so I can't compare and contrast that. But as he's grown older, he's not as outgoing as our Pem is with strangers. He's fine to allow people to pet him, but is reserved. He's a loon around other dogs though! No dog is a stranger to him and all other dogs are viewed as potential playmates. But it's my understanding that Cardis are considered more reserved than Pems. A bit more laid back and not as quick to warm up to strangers as Pems. Very sweet, loving and loyal though. High energy herding dogs though. My boy runs with me, herds, does agility and is very active.
At 5:07pm on April 6, 2008, shannon said…
Hello Thanks for the welcome. Yours are beautiful also. Such a unique experience having a corgi.
shannon and scooter :)
At 2:37pm on April 6, 2008, Brian said…
Thank you for the welcome. Very cute pictures!
At 1:13pm on April 6, 2008, Vickie said…
Hi Kristen thank you for the welcome. Your blog is very interesting. My area we do not have traps so I never realized this was going on any more. Keep up the good work. I love the pictures.
Vickie and Gracie
At 10:42am on April 4, 2008, Apryl said…
I hear ya! My coats are covered in his hair, and people frequently ask if I have a cat. I even bought a coat that was lighter so it wouldn't be so noticeable!
At 10:19am on April 4, 2008, Apryl said…
Oh my gosh, yours are adorable as well! This is totally making me want to get another corgi...or two...haha!
At 11:09pm on April 3, 2008, Casey said…
Thanks so much for the nice hello! Bailey and I feel lucky to have found so many corgi lovin' friends - wow!!! Look at all the pretty pups around here! Yours are gorgeous!!
At 10:24pm on April 3, 2008, Gina and Zak said…
Thank you for the welcome! Lizzie and Fergie are adorable!
It sounds like quite a great life you have raising corgis and horses!
At 4:18pm on April 3, 2008, sandra said…
hi kristen,

thanks for the comment to kaley's newest yes, kaley corgi keeps me guessing and always on my toes! She certainly is the spark of my life!

happy spring, happy corgi! (4 of 6)

smiles : )

ps, i read your new member sad this had to happen...some people do not think, or maybe they do not care.... i am glad you did something about it!
At 11:08am on April 2, 2008, Majsan said…
Thank you for your kind words :)
At 9:40pm on April 1, 2008, Beth said…
LOL, you are so right. I should have said I am owned by my corgi. :o)
At 8:39pm on April 1, 2008, Brian said…
Thank you much! Cole is quite the looker I have to say!

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